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  • NorCalCelebrity

    @CardiffBoy1927 No, we thought she was going to get off the bus, but her guard hid her from us. I thought i'd share the footage anyway.

  • Kylie Brown

    Did you see any teens there. Because im 13 and it might be a little awlkward to go to one of her concerts but i love adele.

  • NorCalCelebrity

    @jedlovesmusic I did see her come out- the video is in my channel- but its very dark- after the show she quickly ran down the stairs into the bus… i really thought she would meet fans. I guess not this time.. I blame her bodyguard though- he's a douche…. he didn't let me get a pic w/ rihanna last time.

  • nameght12

    Ugh I hate when bodyguards hid the artist…. If I was an artist I would never let a bodyguard even get close to my fans!!! Or tell me "No you can't take an autograph or a picture with anybody else we gotta go" -__- I would never turn my back on my fans.

  • NorCalCelebrity

    @jedlovesmusic No- the bodyguard saw us and when the bus finally parked- we couldn't see the door open- and someone else who was further saw them go behind the tour bus and into the venue for sound check. So I did not see her in the beginning.