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  • Alpha Xray

    al hunt's a retard… anyway… this isn't even the confederate flag, it's a confederate battle flag and naval jack.

  • DB Donovan

    That’s okay. Go ahead & move forward. Take down this old historic battle flag that has been misused & defamed by racists.
    Appease the hatred of the racists that want to take it down. Their hatred will NEVER be satisfied.
    Next, we can give our guns to JADE Helm & become enslaved by the New World Order to appease the Corporatists.
    Later on, we will willingly destroy historic statues & burn all Christian churches down & behead Christians to appease Muslims & ISIS.
    Yeah! Who wants to be reminded of where we come from. Who wants to remember tradition or value the honor & heritage their family received by the blood of their ancestor’s sacrifice.
    It’s okay, go ahead burn that White House down & take down that old nation's flag.

  • Alpha Xray

    "there is a strain of racism in some of the southern conservative movements" — al hunt. and is there not/has there not been a "strain" of racism in movements regarding the USA flag? lol, what a joke.