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  • N Ga

    now im one of those guys who brag about having watched a movie 6 or 7 months before it became famous. and i owe a huge part of that to this amazing show with their recommendations and info about festivals and everything…. so thanks!! =)

  • Bruno Kolic

    Attack the Block is awesome! Sure, the story is nothing special, but it's the charisma of the group that keeps you interested. John Boyega as Moses is great, can't wait to see what he does in Star Wars!

  • Adam Robinson

    Is passionate another word for-ha. I will no longer bombard you with that question every week ;) Glad to hear your thoughts on the Criterion Collection. Great crew, great titles mentioned.

  • CircuitsOfTimeReview

    +Amirose Eisenbach +Alicia Malone Hey Ladies, love the new set and definitely will be checking out more Indie Spotlight videos. Doing a great job. Eddie Redmayne will be confusing a lot of dudes with that bone structure in his upcoming movie. Please get rid of the stench of his performance in Jupiter. Thanks and keep up the great work.

  • Pause Films

    When I heard that you guys picked me I geeked out for 30 mins lol.
    Words can not describe how honored I am, to have Amirose and Alicia talk about my short. I really appreciate the feedback and love that you guys gave my film a chance. I hope to continue to grow as a filmmaker and one day be able to have my films in AMC's everywhere. Thanks again guys. :)

  • Frodo Bruce

    I don't think you can have the argument of casting a trans actor cause I can't think of a single one and since this role is so sensitive to some people the performance really has to be outstanding so you need a great actor to do it.

  • Aidan Oi

    I don't know how I feel about While We're Young — a little concerned as to how Baumbach perceives the youth — but France's Ha was sooooooo good, I might just check it out because of how much I enjoyed that one. Excited for '71 and Faults, though. Also, great pic for First-Time Filmmakers, Alicia!

  • David Samford

    Amirose and Alicia – you ladies are such intelligent and lovely hosts! I'm not sure what the opposite of a bromance is called, but you two have it.
    I was wondering what horror movie Alicia ended up seeing? The name of it was said so fast I didn't catch it. I ask because, like her, I'm not a horror movie fan, but I love intense psychological thrillers like Session 9, Silence of the Lams, and even Ravenous. If Alicia ended up liking it I think I might too.
    Thank you both so much for shining a light on the wonderful world of independent film!

  • Luc Bees

    I hope Alicia reads this. You should have your own show on this channel. Inviting industry people and talking about the industry. I have seen you talk passionately on many videos about Hollywood and the studio system vs independent etc. I think you could bring a whole other category of viewers to this channel by talking about the business as well as the art. See it as a mix between the Hollywood reporter roundtables interviews and what David Poland does with DP/30. AMC is more focused on the younger viewers and it should but you will find your fit in a more adult setting where you can go deeper in to the subjects. In the process of attracting a more adult and industry interested audience you educate the young people (like myself 25 and younger) with the visual literacy so much of the youth just don't get these days. Just my 2 cents! Greetings from Holland!

  • Michael Brzezinski

    Awesome show as per usual!! I really want Criterion to release "Hard Eight" and "Punch Drunk Love" on blu-ray. I am the biggest PTA fan and those are the only two I don't have on blu-ray. Keep up the great work!