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  • SafaB

    Ben is one of the smartest people in the business.. And I'm sad Barbara chose to ask questions that couldn't showcase how wise he actually is..

  • Alex Leas

    Wow… Barb. You are… kind of a bitch. I feel kind of bad for Ben being put in this awkward interview. But I can NOT wait to see this guy as Batman! In a way he is like Bruce started from a very low point in his life and rose into an excellent filmmaker and a very improved actor.

  • Anne Liesveld

    Only saw that people liked my comments recently. Love the dislike of Barbara. Kind of overrated as "hard hitting"

  • theresa bollman

    All actors have movie failures and ups and downs…some get away with it, others have it rubbed in their faces. Makes me mad.

  • *remember me* and close your eyes

    Cant wait to see him as Bruce Wayne! ♥I know he will be awesome as always and he is going to show to the world that he owns that role!

  • keybladechosn1

    I like what he said about being defined by the way we rise more so then when we fall. This dude didn't just Fall he CRASHED and BURNED but he didn't give up he got his shit together and produced high quality work becoming one of the best directors around. No matter how bad it looks you can always make a comeback. Affleck is a testament to that

  • Mike Wang

    ben affleck supports apartheid systems like the islam. and he is a real racist because he tries to sell that the islam is a race. this kind of sorting is the real racism. trying to twist is is from whom? EXACTLY: from islam nazis! he defends therefor anti human rights (exactly ZERO muslim nations have signed the human rights. ZERO!), he acts against female rights, against queer rights and supported therefor anti democracy and dictator ships. such kind of people are responsible for most of the problems in the world.

  • *remember me* and close your eyes

    Cant wait to see him as Bruce Wayne! ♥I know he will be awesome as always and he is going to show to the world that he owns that role!

  • skieast247

    I hate her. Might be what she wants but I don't really care. She's just a shit person. You don't critique somebody's personal life like that. You just don't.