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  • Frank M

    And that means McCain can say whatever he wants for the next 40 years? Naw, McCain has gone loopy. He needs to show some grace and step down. McCain called ALL Trump supporters "Crazies".

  • Spacecoastz

    McCain was responsible for the deaths of Navy sailors and also almost sunk his own carrier. It was the power of his father that pushed his career. I can't stand the man…and he's a RINO that needs to go. He also worked against the families of MIA…how bad can he get?

  • Ignatius Laurent

    Donald trump is the only republican that I know that's speak his mind & his right about McCain . How can you call McCain a hero of war , the man got capture . There is a lot of guys in prison that got capture . I rather root for the one that got away . I am glad trump bring it out in the open , the American people is not stupid they know the truth many of them will not say that because it will offend many but it's the truth .

  • seatown2000

    Trump has done an amazing job with marketing himself to the weak minded Who are Kinda like the dumb asses who believed the tobacco industry was telling the truth that cigarettes were safe despite 50 yrs of evidence proving otherwise but those were just silly "scientists" saying this lol.
    Trump is using classic marking techniques to hit on the emotional trigger of anger and get people fired up and side with what ever comes to his head and it works because of their need to feel powerful because they have no power and this upsets them. McCain was being polite when he called them "crazies"
    I feel no sympathy for McCain though. he created a monster with Palin and help spawn the tea party and now he has to pay the price for selling out just as trumps supporters will have too.
    P.S TV is fake :( he's not smart …Trump filed bankruptcy 4 times on business he owned not personal bankruptcy true but the United states of America IS A BUSINESS not his personally soo….

  • Gray Nash

    McCain crashed his jet landing on an aircraft carrier and did major damage. . When he was captured in North Vietnam he spilled his guts immediately. He really did more harm than good while in the military

  • CRUZADOR2700

    I think it's funny when he said "I like people that don't get captured.". I saw the humor in it and don't feel he insulted all POW's

  • TheFeralcatz

    McCain is RINO ass, but c'mon Trump, you shouldn't have gone there, really. You should have just insulted his voters right back because they are really all idiots.

  • Frank M

    McCain called all Trump supporters "Crazies". Sen. John McCain needs to show some class and apologize for calling us names.

  • Antonio Ric

    Lmao. This will be the best republican race ever in the history of politics. I love it. Kick their asses Trump.
    McCain just called and said he's sending Sarah Palin down to handle all you freaken guys

  • iwasnamedian

    he makes a lot of sense.

    I respect veterans and honestly I still wish I could sign up, i'm 23 and still have time to do so; but my intentions to serve are to have access to some of the good benefits that the military SOMETIMES dishes out, to adopt such amazing discipline, and be apart of something where I can be proud of. I definitely love my country I take great pride in being an American, but I don't feel like war since WW2 has served any purpose for this country other than to serve the private interests of large corporations.

    there are many like me who are contemplating serving this country/ are serving this country who think like me, I' m not that unique. with that said, does that make me a hero or anyone else a hero who thinks like this? No it does not, itd be more along the lines of "they are just doing their job". now people who i feel like are heroes are people like Dakota Meyers who disobey direct orders to not go into a murdering field and rescue his fellow men both Iraqi/ marines from taliban fire 4/5 times? that is a true hero, someone who out of pure love and selflessness doesn't think twice about doing what he knows is right to help someone else.

    the title hero is thrown around too loosely especially amognst veterans, you don't just get given the title. you have to earn it. plenty of veterans who I've met feel this same way, that simply a lot of the stuff you do in the military is just a job and you do it because you have to and not need to.

  • Wilt Dovy

    Donald Trump is 100% correct again, McCain has always been a CROOKED POLITICIAN(one of Keating 5 Saving-Loan scandal cost US $40 Bill) McCain is a failed Pres. Candidate like GORE-they turn against Americans for revenge, McCain & Lindsey Graham ARMED the Syrian Rebels who are now ISIS. McCain SUCKS ROOSTER. McCain's fellow Vietnam POW's called him "SONGBIRD McCAIN, why?"

  • TheBestMovieAlive

    Bahah that is hilarious! Donald brings excitement to the presidential race, even though he won't win.