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  • Andrew Colunga

    The dumbest I've heard is probably when some lady asked if canned tuna is chicken or fish because the can said "Chicken of the Sea."

  • brianshaggy

    someone in the comment section is going to defend trump and and is going to say the same ignorant and false accusations against Hispanics even doe they're the 2nd lowest crime rate next to asians at #1

  • Killboi P. Head

    Remember when Native Americans were bitching about outsiders coming in and wrecking shit? Now, remember when those outsiders started bitching about other outsiders coming in and wrecking shit?

    It's bad to generalize. Even if 9 out 10 people are doing "something" you can't say that EVERYONE is doing "it". I could say ALL white people are inbred rednecks. I could say that all black people are lazy and live off welfare. I could say that all Asian people eat dogs and cats. But I would be wrong, even if people agreed to what I said.

  • aquanette123

    wasn't he also in the presses because he was talking about how he stands by "traditional marriage" and the reporter made a comment about if he really supported traditional marriage how come he's been married three times?

  • jaimedavila1

    As the son of illegal immigrants (who are now residents of the US), I can understand the issue with Trumps statement. I live in a predominantly Hispanic(mainly Mexicans) neighborhood. I wouldnt be surprised if 90 percent of the people in the community didn't have proper documentation. From my perspective, I see a group of people who came here for the opportunities this country provides. They are not rapists, criminals, or drug dealers, but people with families and loved ones who want to improve their quality of life.

    As for his stance on illegal immigration, I can't disagree. There needs to be control over who comes into this country and how. I don't agree with his whole mentality on reinforcing the border. Seems very aggressive, sort of saying "Lets build a huge wall to keep out the filth".

  • cjua2803

    As a not so proud Mexican who is starting medical school next fall I actually find those statements offensive coming from a potential presidential candidate. Not to smart on his part when majority of Hispanic voters have lower education and will probably misinterpret his statement as hate speech against them.

  • brandon montalvo

    I just hope for a day that our presidents don't always have the same last names, Isn't anyone else tired of Bush and the Clintons. It almost feels like a god damn monarchy with these two families trading out the Oval Office so often. There should be a limit within family lines as presidents. They'll all just have the same agenda every time they get voted in.