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  • Maizerus

    RIP, sir. And thank you for this amazing soundtrack. I don't care if bits of it were used in Krull, it was great anyway.

  • rgerber

    Listen to original Star Trek music, i.e. Wrath of Khan etc. Then watch the Star Trek 2009 and listen to the music in it. It simply makes me lol. While TOS music was so sophisticated, that trailer music is just brutal and barbaric. I've even seen it performed live with appearance of Michael Giachhino, but I don't remember the music. Must speak for itself

  • kxmode

    Every single film composer NEEDS to watch this! THIS is how you compose a score. The film scores lately have been bland and generic. The absolute worse is Jupiter Ascending. The entire composition is forgettable. In fact I cannot even remember what the "theme" was.

  • Ryder Spearmann

    A brilliant composer, certainly for action films… never a disappointment. Shockingly (especially me being huge JG fan). I think a as grand or even slightly greater achievement than the wonderful Goldsmith score for TMP.

  • Richard Ray

    This music is great. Horner is a master in league with Williams. However, you know, if he didn't want to do a score for Star Trek VI, then just say that. He said, "I've grown beyond Star Trek." He didn't have to slap the fans like that. I bought the WOK soundtrack and listened to it constantly. In true geek fashion, I raved about it to my friends (I was in college at the time.) Star Trek fans were his first fans. I was disappointed by his remark.

  • molarmama32

    Brilliant opera! What a score should be. It works seamlessly with the screen
    adaptation. The music emotes, uplifts and is a beautiful blend of seafaring and flight! PERFECTION!