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  • Margaret Sanders

    How would she feel if all the other men decided to wash their hands and walk out?!?! Living in the moment is her reason! Well, wonder how many partners she had.

  • Ahmad Dakhlallah

    words of a true whore.. these guys are pathetic. honestly her personality is so annoying, i wouldn't even be able to handle a conversation with this woman. "jeopardizing other relationships"? the only thing shes good for is a one night stand and she knows it.

  • Jacie Leavell

    Richard Weed, this is not the ID channel and you are, to say the very least…….totally wacked….Let's see, if it was a male who did that, he scored, but if a chick….then she whored? Welcome to the 21st century dirtbag. #TeamKaitlyn

  • Nina Nina

    Ian was spot on, Kaitlyn is surfacy and has no substance. the issue with her is not the sex it self, it's the fact that she had no RESPECT for the guys at all, this guys don't deserve to be made fools of the way she treated them. it's not about slut-shaming, it's about Respect for this guys feelings.

  • jeff Craven

    Let me add if Kaityn wouldn't screw up her mouth&alsolook natural plus,talk natural. This very probably (in reality)down to earth young woman with normal thoughts, feelings,& urges would be MUCHmore attractive & get a sincere mate rather than a good time Charlie or a nut, or a rich dude taking her for a ride.What am I saying? I don't even watch the program. I just know a turn off when I see it… Be yourself Kait, play around, but be yourself because that'sultimately what IF you find him wants.Men that seem to go for the way you portray yourself on the program are in it for one thing. You know what that one thing is, right(except for whatever gains they receive for anything from being on the show)?If you take the show as a folly, great. Honor, as in being self respecting or honorable in other people eyes is so behind the times. Have a sense of honor and self respect, that way you'll be happy, and not a bunch of superficial crap. When you're young like you, have all the fun possible (YOU'RE ONLY YOUNG ONCE), but when considering settling down, remember it's supposed be for a lifetime. For a lifetime it can be everything this side of heaven.

  • jeff Craven

    Spare me the politically correct and staged drama, please. If Kait found someone to enjoy, she should go for it. What ever happened to sexual freedom, The Sexual Revolutionor "Love the One you're with":a name of a song before most of you were born.AIDS? Yes, we can talk about Aids, Hep. B & C, Herpes, plus other STDs.It's CONDOM TIME.Still the ultimate search is to find someone you're really physically attracted to, enjoy being around,and have a few definiteif not intense common interest, use sexual protection,and go forthe thrill whichmight result in a lifetime of love & friendship, plusthe best sex you'll ever have is with agal who loves you to infinity.I found that infinity. There's nothing wrong or degrading towards womenwith Kaitlyn's behavior: Kait's just shopping like any young person. Watch out for the insincere gold-diggers and the bums.

  • MontroSSxUSA

    What a whore. Those guys must feel so emasculated fighting over a girl like that LOL….pathetic. Go for a girl with some class and intelligence