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  • Andrew Ford

    That scene where the T-1000 opens up the car door and swoops up that little bit of liquid metal was awesome! All this new technology and advancements in CGI have made it possible to do some really cool things since the T-1000's first appearance in 1991. I'm looking forward to some really creative stuff in this movie!

  • antaresdraco

    this T-1000 is teasing me. its so cool, and i believe that this actor, Lee plays it very well, judging from this clip. so cold, i love it

  • xys pej

    What a pitiful embarrassing parody. Robert Patrick turned T1000 into one of the best cinematic villains of all time, now they are ruining the legacy with this PG-13 cashgrab comic-book Marvel shit. Read the critics reviews, this movie is a total garbage. Boycott. Don't buy tickets, don't spend any penny to support the awful studios who ruin the reputation of classics with such awful soulless sequels. BOYCOTT!

  • p1zzaman

    Man, you guys this movie would have been really awesome experience if the trailers didn't reveal that there's a T-1000 and all that other stuff.

    If it were coined as a reboot / alternate universe and left it at that… there would have been a HUGE surprise at the theater when Kyle meets the cop in the alleyway for the first time.