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  • KatiesMakeupDesire

    I believe in all of you you can do this! I haven't been perfect but ad long as you try that's all that matters nobody needs to go and have a perfect day but try one perfect pointed meal the first day then two perfect tracked meals the next until your back on track you got this! Anyone needs help follow me on instagram I have a weight watchers/ regular page that if you wanna see my meals or needs help getting on track follow me @kayyydayyy

  • amyyonfire

    We need to be accountability partners. Post our meal plans and workout calendar on IG, post at least one meal each day and share, ect. I am seriously upset this morning. Like you, I have no more "fat" clothes, and I have only one pair of jeans left that fit…and they are tight. What have I done??!! :(

  • Shelly Vasquea

    Stumbled across you and it's crazy how much we have in common. I'm new to weight watchers myself and doing pretty good so far. I look forward to more videos from you and having some inspiration! !

  • amyyonfire

    This is probably going to be the longest message ever. Ok, I, like you, have a major connection to food. I have struggled all my life with my weight. I list 60 lbs years ago partly thru weight watchers but mostly smaller portions and working out. Life was good. Enter an injury in sept. I am just now able to workout again, and, ironically, I weighted myself is morning expecting to have lost part of the 12 lbs I have gained. Nope. Up 2 more freaking pounds. :( I need to start doing My Fitness Pal (the app you were thinking of?).

  • AmandAsanaBeauty

    Cool idea for a video! I will be joining you on the 2nd with getting back on track. I also fell off the wagon over the holidays :-S. You are not alone! It is a life-long struggle. Be sure to monitor the waist-hip ratio and measure inches… it's not just about the number on the scale! That is my only beef with WW. I gained lots of muscle and dropped inches but my weight went up a bit and they count that as a fail :-/. I have used all of their e-tools and while they are OK (if you are paying for the program anyways), I still think My Fitness Pal is worlds ahead (especially for the bar-code scanning app and having most Canadian brands (which WW apps do not)… but I guess that's not as relevant for you). But it also breaks down intake percentages in terms of proteins, fats, carbs and sugars with graphs and links nicely to a fitbit. :-)

  • Jenn R

    I am having the same exact problem as you.
    I have had a month of eating horribly and now all I wast is to be back where im looking weight.
    It was so sad for me the other day when I put on a pair of pants that used to be . Very loose and had them be a little snug
    Thank you for being here so we can get back on track together <3 XOXO

  • Jessica Silva

    I just commented on one of your other videos and you already responded, thanks girlfriend! I'm on WW too, love the support system involved! I would look up the Simply Shredded routine for which days to do upper body, lower body, etc. Back when I was on track (I'm on track again, kind of haha!) I lost LOTS of inches on this routine!

  • I'm WWinning

    Yay Weight Watchers Wednesday! :D I loved your vlog! I can totally relate, Christmas and New Years is full of joy of family and comfort food. I am absolutely on board with you to get back on track! :) I am also like you, and I find working out such a chore, lol ;) Unless it is a fun workout with Hubby :) I also love walking, dancing and Zumba! It isso helpful to have this weight watcher community and I hope that we can help each other stay on track :D p.s. I love the part where you said that you get 2 light vinaigrettes because you feellike you duped them for 1 point, I do that all the time. I especially love when I find a food that I can have 2 servings for the points plus value of 1 serving, ahahaha! ;) Sorry for the long post, but I appreciate your WW vlogs and can't wait for the next one, lol:D