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  • baconsoda

    Thank you, I hope this special day and the rest of the year is kind to you too. I'm just about to head over to see my Mother because it's her special day today, it's her 86th birthday. I still watch your videos but don't comment often because it saves you time as you always reply.
    Best Wishes, Brendan.

  • bernadette linfoot

    thank you very much my friends, and happy summer solstice to you. I'm so happy that I bumped into you, so sending you lots of love from beautiful York

  • Natalia Santoro

    to you too! :D And answering your question about where in Ireland I'm going to…County Leitrim :) I'll also be making some videos there because my family and I always go for walks in nature and it's just absolutely gorgeous! What part of Ireland are you guys from? Loads of love in this beautiful 2015 summer solstice