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  • noviceprepper53

    thanks for your video. irish moss is a sea vegetable that absorbs water, if you're interested you can speak with your dietitian or search on wikipedia. raw foodies use it in their desserts but I add it to my smoothie and it really helps. also if you crave chocolate talk w/your dietitian about taking a magnesium supplement, I've heard that many women get too little magnesium, which may be a reason for monthly cravings. hope this helps.

  • fluffypinkpuss

    well done on ur weight loss! great video i really enjoy these reviews u have been doing that thin cheese is a great find! i lost 3.5lb this week at my class :) x

  • Roman and Polina Spirt

    Hello am Polina and just found your Chanel I also joined WW 6 weeks ago so I am looking for new ideas ! GF rolls sounds great !
    Thank you for the .video ! love your information presentation !

  • I'm WWinning

    Great video, and congratulations on your 1.8 lbs weight loss!!! That's awesome! Thanks for sharing your tips on foods and tipsthat have helped you stay on track :D I maintained at this past Friday's WI, but I think these things just happen sometimes, no matter how well you stick to the plan. :)

  • Rosemarie Mello

    I love the Skinny Cow anything!! Costco had the raspberry bars on clearance and I had a 1.25 cent off two so I picked them up…as a rule I only have half a bar when I crave something sweet during the week. I too am trying to lose weight and found your channel and you are inspiring me..good luck with your journey. :)