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  • Edgardo Peregrino

    They only supported removing the flag when they saw that supporting the flag would make them look like racists.

  • Flame Chick

    My cousin just finished getting the outline done for a confederate flag tattoo on her shoulder…
    I just cant understand people like that; what she's doing makes absolutely no sense, especially for someone in her position. She's 18, just graduated, and has a queer sister, you'd think that she'd have a little more decency.

  • Candygirl9890

    W.T. Thompson, the creator of the confederate flag, referred to it as "the white man's flag."

    If the creator of the flag said it's racist, then it's probably racist. End of.

  • Luigi

    "Cruz, who has a reputation for being a rhetorical bomb thrower, also lamented that the issue was being used “as a wedge to try to divide people.”"

    Right, but your homo/transphobic agenda that's encouraging republicans to not bother to do a quick internet search on what a civil union actually is but instead jump on this "they're trying to ruin our values!!" boat is surely a step taken for unity.

  • Joshua M

    Glenn Beck of all people had the best thing to say about this, its the flag of another nation, why are they flying under it?

  • Tommy Latham

    I'd say they should wrap the baby jesuswith their flag but he was a jew so they'd probably get mad about it.

  • triburst

    I've always felt people put too much stock in flags. They're just cloth with colors and symbols; we can't let stuff like this have so much power over us.

  • Ryan Swanson

    I believe that many southerners strictly view the flag as a representation of southern pride in 2015. The problem is that many do not. The greater problem is the discourse involving state's right versus federal control. The governor of South Carolina has come in favor of removing the flag from the state's government buildings. This is what I'd rather see, the state deciding on issues like this.

  • Emma Davis

    the Candidate flag is homage to everything wrong with the U.S. that Consertives want to hold onto, and continue with

  • athomheart

    Yeah those people are more anti-modern america cause they want to return to what america use to be before the civil war.

  • MilitantAntiTheist

    Since there's a photo of Dylann Roof burning the American flag, the right will use that as more "evidence" to claim Dylann Roof was a liberal like they did with Jared Lee Loughner.

  • ju ju

    lol.. most people who fly or have pride in the confederate flag aren't aware of the flag's history, context, or their own stupidity. In this current era of US history, the flag does not represent the south in my opinion. Rather, the flag illustrates an excuse for racial tension that masks the ignorance of thousands. Skin pigment varies via biological science. It baffles me that certain people think less of others based on physical appearance in fucking 2015. TWO THOUSAND FUCKING FIFTEEN.. ARE WE NOT ADVANCED HUMANS ?