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  • Benny Cho

    These two big burly red-haired motherfuckers got the rap game AND mozzarella game on lock. Two of my favorite people ever. This might also be the only episode where Big Body didn't say anything on some wild shit… only because his mouth was full of cheese.

  • Filippo Agostini

    I'm just wondering if those foods were actually good. I mean, in Italy the Eataly stores are known to be expensive but they do provide high quality food, and it couldn't be different, since the groceries are all fresh and "original".

    But in the American Eataly stores the groceries must be either imported or produced there. Hence they aren't actually Italian or not as fresh as you would expected.

    Is there any Italian or American who shops in the Eataly store in NYC? Is the food actually good? I'm just curious (I apologise if my English isn't that good).

  • jason steele

    This dude Action eats a strawberry pop tart like:
    "The crust is a robust golden brown with a light honey aroma. The frosting on top is classically sweet, leaving nothing to the imagination. The strawberry inside is decadently divine, with a softly tart finish. An overall treat, start to finish.."

  • Jason Love

    I love it, so excited when I see a new episode pop up, but I need at least 20-25mins of Action 11 Minutes isnt enough…..

  • Travis Milne

    I came here for Action Bronson but Mario Batali seems like the dopest dude. He wasn't just fronting with support for a friend, he was taking all of that shit in.

  • Mansoor H

    Its 5am in cali and all i want is aged goat cheese and warm bread, a lil mortadella and some basil to compliment the mix

  • Amy Rene

    Batali is awesome. I used to watch him all of time on Food Network when I was younger. One knowledgeable motherfucker.

  • MrStreetballer5

    Man I fucking love Action Bronson Bro on the real. I say this alot but he deadass embodies everything a fucking large majority of us want in life which is to be happy, baked, paid and surrounded by some fine cuisine. My man just takes life on on step at time and ends up covering mad fucking ground. Action is just that dude you can't not like him. Much love from NY man, Queen Blvd we out here fuck with you heavy son. Stay up and keep on your grind.