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  • SwankBanker

    I'd like to remind all the uneducated liberal idiots on here that there were black men, free black men, who fought for the confederacy. There were also black plantation owners who owned slaves. The first slave owner in the state of Virginia was a black man.

    Even more shocking, there were even black men who were members of the original KKK in the late 1800's. (Not to be confused with the new KKK that started in 1915)

    Know your history.
    Blacks were on both sides of the slavery racket, so let's not pretend that it was just the "evil" white man. I know the lefties love to see everything in black and white (no pun intended), but our history is actually quite colored.

  • 12thpanzer

    Black males make up 7% of the population yet commit 54% of all murders and 52% of all armed robberies. Yep – white people are evil. The leftist social engineering machine is working well.

  • badgyrl310

    God bless her, she did what she had to do. The ironic thing is a white guy helped her get the flag down and 2 black cops arrested her. I wish black men would stand tf up.

  • american37

    When state and local governments fly the Confederate battle flag it's just their way of giving the finger to the federal government. And what's wrong with that?

  • Donald Seyfert

    YAAAAY! Awsome! Take down the confederate flag! This is something that needed to be done a long, long time ago.

  • ruinerfixxxer

    Wow, look people. The racism is just disappearing as we watch this! I'm sure confederate flag makers won't get richer from this media brainwash-fest. Eat it up, masses. Eat it up.

  • The Joseph

    Can someone explain to me why there are people who want a symbol of treason and racism to be a sign of there heritage.

  • Jefferson Davis

    All the Muslims should have to take off their robes, if I have to take down my flag, because of 9/11. My point is, if a group of people should be targeted for things a couple of people did, then there is much more than the Confederate Flag that should be dealt with.

  • DarkRezo(Mike)

    Bravery and activism such as this, against the governments of this world….
    is exactly what needs to be shown to the young future generations imho.
    Fck a law, institution, whatever if it's against our moral compass, our dignity and justice as humanity! Our freedom and righteous hearts desire for equality, one specie, one love!

  • LedZepp190

    I'm sure that all you stupid libtards don't even know that Maryland which was a State in the Union had slaves. Not until 1863 did they stop it there, the war started in 1861. If the war was really about slavery then please anyone explain why Maryland didn't stop it before or right when the war started. Go get yourselves educated, the southern states were being taxed hard and I bet you dumb libs think that every white person owned slaves, well, they didn't. There were so many white folk that actually have never seen a black man.

  • michael sturges

    Flag needs to stay up in the face of you racist baiters who want to say any one like my self you support are southern heritage is a racist without getting to know us on a personal level

  • Austin Stusalitus

    Our battle is not against flesh and flags but against demonic spirits. Do not use the name of the Lord God to do the bidding of men and be caught up in men's affairs. Jesus doesn't care anything about this world that's why he's going to torch it. He cares about SOULS. Flag flying and flag removing has nothing to do with soul-saving.

  • Victor Kim

    The major Asian economies will surpass the United States by 2085. And if not by then, then certainly by 2185. So this confederate flag debate is truly irrelevant in light of the reality that East Asia will dominate the next few centuries of humanity.