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  • Angelisa Hassan

    I'm going to be annoying here because movie with an all African American cast get asked this all the time on their movie trailers. Why is there an all white cast? Where are all the black people? There revenge

  • rena zavala

    for all the people trashing Cory obviously you don't understand the struggle people have with drug addiction. Its not something you want to do or have to do its a disease and for the unlucky people out in this sick world that contract it sometimes its to late to fight. So don't say Cory didn't he went to rehab so he did try but not all can be cured. I want to see you go through life with struggle and do drugs then get handed all this money and try not to do it. RIP to all the weak including you Cory.

  • Kevy

    From a person that lives in Toronto and been here my whole life. I'm pleased to say this movie is honestly ONE HELL OF A FILM!!
    It's not only great complications from one person to another, but the drama and love/lust …. well I guess it's just like a good old Fashion Hollywood Movie!!!

    Definitely worth seeing! It's available on MExcess in Canada

  • Jonny Deth

    If you like watching a retard polish a turd for 2 hours, you will enjoy this movie.
    Otherwise I would skip it.
    It's another piece of crap drama any random person could write.
    Dull characters working at Walmart. Stupid situations you could take from people you know and put them in a movie.

    That doesn't mean you should.
    I want to be about as involved in them in real life as I do watching them in a movie.
    See my point?
    Nobody wants mixed up in this stupid crap when it happens in real life so why would we want to watch it in a movie.
    Huge waste of time and money.