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  • Tom The English Picker

    I'm going to get a 30 day free prime and look for some deals to re sell on ebay. We shall see how good the actual deals are.

  • Gleeshhy YAL

    Are sellers allowed to contact other sellers through eBay or is this against policy. The reason I ask is because I had another seller to contact me not concerning buying items, but advice and I'm not sure whether or not I should respond.

  • A Torrent of Videos

    Your advice about getting your stuff in to capitalise on the increased number of prime users is gold.

    I think Amazon to Amazon arbitrage is probably not that profitable. Amazon to eBay possibly or the other way round. I also find that Amazon is expanding their own product range so much now that it's getting harder not to compete with them.

  • Karaboudjan

    This is a great way for newbies and curios to see "the race to the bottom". Watch the inexperienced & shortsighted go nuts buying up sale items from Amazon, mark them in your shopping cart and then watch as each unimaginative soul ships them into FBA and see the price action mercilessly spiral down, as most merchants panic that their capital is tied up in a falling asset and look to recoup it asap. Some of these races to the bottom last through and past 4th quarter, there are so many FBA piranha sellers out there all chasing the same product. You used to be able to sit on everything until December and you'd be sitting pretty, not anymore, it can be so saturated even December won't get you profit on a good portion. Still, since chrissy greens book I hear sub 30% ROI is considered decent.
    * If its common knowledge peeps, then the common seller is all over it, and that 'aint nuthin' but a losing trade and a mediocre one at best *
    PS. If you reply, sorry I can't respond quick KP, I usually watch youtube on tv, too busy reselling rest of time, no facility to comment, and by time I have a few mins at keyboard the vid I commented on is days old and its a new subject. Reselling (store product to public for profit) since late 80's, no phone needed, infact I see scanning has a handicap, but thats another story.

  • Manbearpig4LFEe

    Funny how none of the customer service reps don't speak clear English. No thanks I'll stick with target

  • Er Ye

    I am a new seller on Amazon. I only sell one product made by my own company.NaoNao Dynamic Foot Massage Figure Trimmer. Thank you! Katie! for sharing this wonderful information! I am from China. I've never heard this before and I am looking forward to this Amazon Prime Day!

  • Daniel Morales

    I´ve already used the free trial, do i still get the chance to buy the deals on prime day without the two day shipping?

  • Domain Admin

    I mostly sell on eBay and I've let my amazon sales go to rack and ruin. How do I get sales going again? I used to list CDs and thrift store books but now the thrift stores seem oversearched (all books come up one cent now instead of $129.99).