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  • AngelusSpkGrrl

    I love how Blake says a ton of nasty shit about Amy now that she's dead. And saying how she got nasty and he loved her more. I have no doubt he probably treated her rather shitty as well. He seems like the typical, "I'm smarter than you and better than you even if I'm a fuck up" type of guy. I've dated two of these dick wads. They're shit.

  • Lila Green

    Amy was broken, and so beautiful. even if you don't like her music, her lyrics are insight into her life. she was so much more than her addiction. she was taken by love. her music was artistry, infused so much of her unique talent. just by documenting her drug use, it misses so much of the point. what fueled her drug use? a brokenness. a longing. you hear that in her music. you wouldn't know how deep she was by surface level. she was funny, struggling, so deep, poetic. she was a fragile heart. she brought jazz back for a minute and I thank her. I love you, Amy. she is so misunderstood, but she will live on. hurting hateful people will never understand her.

  • Morgan Freeman

    None of your ignorant ass, hateful opinions mean dick! This woman was more talented than any other pop artist and she did it with heart. And she went out like a broken hearted rock star. Talk all the shit you want losers. You're doing it for all the wrong reasons. I will always respect and love and cherish amy and her music. Well never see another female vocalist like her.

  • Chick Howardson

    This is as much a story of the media's perverseobsession with the private livesof celebrities as it isof Amy Winehouse.

  • Karen Camacho

    We each have a time to be born and a time to die God controls those dates nobody can blame anybody because God is in control of when u perish its that simple everthing God does is confirmed through numbers God is the master at Numbers how young was Amy hm 27 = 2+7 =9 fliped 6

  • Chessqueen

    If you can't function without your fucking man or appreciate the blessings that you have and never had a traumatic childhood then babe, I am playing the world's smallest violin for you. I do not appreciate spoiled, piss-weak women. She needed to harden the fuck up. I experienced the worst shit in my life, I never had support or got fed with a silver spoon. The world is tough, the weak will perish. Cue hate filled comments.

  • arlene b

    I like how the only people who shed tears for Amy was her family and Sam. For someone who says they were deeply in love Amy whine house and shows no type of emotion in any of their words or even breaks down crying, Blake was not worthy to be in the presence of someone who was as beautiful as Amy whine house.

  • Karen Cone

    why did she start using the answer is very easy she fell in love without the drugs they did not have a lot in common she did the drugs to be closer to him and sadly she died and he is still around to say how much he loved her and she is a legend.

  • Robbie King

    Maybe all these people shoul've held a vigil BEFORE she died. She probably felt so alone. Annoys me so much to see so many people coming out of the wood works AFTER she's dead.

  • D.T. Baker

    Well, then there it is. The boy who, by his own admission, gave Amy Winehouse "crack and smack."
    So, cleaned up your act now, buddy? Couple bags of brown and some champagne, eh? Hope you get some of the God damned money and that you choke on it.

  • Ian Gonzalez

    When the heroin live with you…. You only think in heroin All day…. Because this drug is so strong and gobern your Life…. You can have family, money.. Dont care anything… Only the drug

  • Sayit AsItIs

    Amy Winehouse had two things going for her. A wonderful voice and a soul…. She didn't have strength of character to avoid the nasty parts of live which included Blake, drugs, booze and the crowd which wanted a piece of her. She was special but had no defences. Bless her.

  • Marian Blair

    am I the only person who thinks she was much more intelligent than her shag? Bloody hell he really got her addicted to drugs and he ahsn't paid the price for corrupting her