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  • Lucy Foster

    "One of them tried to mold me into a big triangle shape". Best comeback to an offensive and stupid question ever.

  • kayteeelle

    When people say shit like "She didn't know how great she was" * eye rolls * nah she knew. Check her earlier interviews, she knew what kind of artist she wanted to be, what she wanted to represent, and what kind of role model she wanted to be. Once she started with the drugs she became "I don't care what people think", "Who cares?, I don't give a shit"
    Classic case of "this is your brain..and this is your brain on drugs". Same with Whitney. And I know she had a lot of issues prior to drugs but as a fan, I'm hella bitter about how much she really took herself for granted.

  • Rosannasfriend

    Anyone who wants to see any at her best should watch any clip from 2004, outside of this I saw a festival from that year and couldn't believe how much better she not only looked but sounded. I'm sure she was already on drugs, but it hadn't taken over her life yet. She She really was amazing, and I wish I knew that and appreciated her more when she was alive.

  • Ritchie Valens

    Maybe some people will be watching this and see how amazing Amy was, and will decide drugs is not the way or the answer.

    What a loss, Miss you Amy x x

  • dmxdxl

    I cant believe how much drugs can alter a person seeing this…and that's comin from a man who has lost a brother to drugs…..still stuns me…RIP Amy you poor soul…

  • juan cobo

    Que bonita estaba aca , un cuerpo bueno , de cara bien y cordinaba todo y aparte su forma de ser y su vestimenta como en 7 años ya que este video es del 2004 y murio en 2011 cambio tanto encima solo 8 años de carrera