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  • izzy120391

    All I want in my life is to be able to delete all the factory default apps that I don't and will never use. I understand Apple wants a sort of default app collection for their products, however: why not make ALL apps delete-able, and if a device is factory reset, the original app collection will be restored? It's not that hard, Apple. Not that hard.

  • bigmoney923

    Does anyone remember when Apple had a music based social network called Ping? Yeah that existed. Apple music will probably just fade into obscurity

  • Too Tall Gaming

    I was listening to this and i kept expecting him to say "Like Android does already" A lot more than he actually did…I'm not huge on paying attention to detailed feature lists of different brands… but does it not seem like Apple announces these 'new' features that other users have been enjoying for years?

  • Gabriel Laroche

    So for the most part, they're catching up with android and windows, but I will say that apple music sounds pretty cool

  • devilmikey00

    Was a single thing here new? I mean I don't use apple stuff (I really don't hate it or anything just usually it's to expensive to consider) but god damn I've been doing some of this stuff for YEARS on android or windows/other apps. Like holy crap when did apple fall so far behind in terms of features? I mean come on. Apple undoubtedly started the smart phone and tablet revolution but they are being left in the dust here. Who still lines up around the block for this stuff?

  • Griffin NB

    Beats music sounds interesting and could be amazing if executed properly, but if not, and it's quite possible it won't be (looking at you iTunes Radio) it will end up being a total inoperable cluster fuck

  • Dms110

    So theese are all new features?
    I feel sorry for the iNerds, on android already have ALL theese features ^^

  • nerdglider

    apple music is coming to android? good for apple, I don't know why people are saying this event was boring

  • Claire Bear

    So nothing new! :D Although the Apple Music $14 for 6 account things is awesome, I'll still be using Spotify because I don't need 6 accounts lol