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  • Olivia O

    The weekend is not from Ethiopia. Geez Wendy get your facts STRAIGHT!! He was BORN in CANADA and GREW UP in Canada. He is of Ethiopian decent, that is not the same thing as being from there.

  • nnaenae

    MAN! Wendy starts the show talking about how Juliana and Kelly are throwing shade and being mean girls to Kathy, yet in that same breath tells Juliana she needs to eat a sandwich. I NEVER hear her say something like "yeah she needs to go on a diet" or "she needs to stay away from the desserts" or whatever. Skinny shaming is so overlooked it's not even funny. Say the same about a fat girl and it's on! To make matters worse, she goes in on Monica saying she couldn't take her out because of her past. OK, so would she say the same about Clinton? He's INFAMOUS too. GTFOH with that. TWO people were involved in that situation. Don't fucking tell these women to keep their legs closed to married men, and say next to nothing about telling these men to keep their dicks in their pants.

  • LAtttiful

    When I first heard about Rihanna and Leo, I couldn't believe it. Wow, them ever hooking up would have never crossed my mind. Doesn't he like blonde models?

  • Alicia Coburg

    Wendy always brings up these singers that I have never heard of and everyone in her audience has. I feel like I'm failing at being black. I'm sorry MLK!

  • Lif Da

    Kathy Griffin was the best choice they had after Joan passed away. I watched that episode and I think it was really funny but I believe the real problem here is they all wanted a clone, a perfect and complete Joan of substitution. That's not gonna happen, Kathy's always made offensive jokes but she just has a different style and people need to get used to that otherwise they simply won't enjoy the show anymore. Joan is gone, the show must evolve.

  • Symphony Young

    Wendy Williams is so hard 2 look at & even harder 2 watch talking with her constantly stretching her eyes & exaggerating & acting all fake. Everything about her is just so…sigh…cliche…ancient…boring…shall i go on?

  • Ali Bensami

    the black woman in brown/beige on the first row 3:09 is always in the audience, how does she always get tickets when some people wait for months or 1-2 years to get a ticket!!

  • Dawn Rose

    Pathetic "hot topics" once again. I don't think I can take much more. Soon I think I'll stop watching all together. I'm done with your crap Wendy. You don't talk about anything interesting.