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  • Cyndi Strange

    I love your honesty. It's so I'm important for us to be empowered in our truth instead of running away from it. The idolization of celebrities and politicians, etc has been detrimental to individual self worth and self acceptance. Thank you for being real :-)

  • Shereen Assaysh

    Wonderfull sharing and enlightenment. We all appreciate you greatly, namaste for sharing your essence, truth and light with us. Our light always shines brightest in the darkness, and this is where you can experience your true deep light the most. My birthday coming up soon, thank you for sharing the insights of cancer energy which is I. <3

  • mahesh kumar

    Bro , excellent ,keep doing it……..can you help us the Jupiter transit july14th for each moon sign. pls guide

  • Kelly Stewart

    Thank you for sharing honestly and openly. I fully appreciate the gifts that you are sharing exactly where you are at on your journey. We all are making our way the best we are able in each moment. It's all working out as we each get through our "stuff". Blessings and thanks again.

  • Raqueld333

    "I do want to be more stable, less angry, less thrown off by what other people do to my sensitivity" – you're speaking my language, Tim! I really enjoy your passion and your honesty.Thanks!

  • Allainah Conrad

    Fantastic! I was just talking to my dad last night about this Gemini Cancer energy… He has a moon in cancer and was having difficulty this last week expressing himself to his girls softball team. We reminded each other that there is nothing wrong with anger, it's there to teach and the sooner we can embrace those emotions the sooner it will leave the energy field. I was calling it spiritual maturity but emotional intelligence is rad too! Emotional integrity even. Great video Tim.

  • Ida Marie Wonderland

    Bless you for sharing your authentic uniqueness of EMotional intelligence <3 Makes it easier for me to Grow with the flow!

  • Femininedivineworks

    Thank you for showing up, so authentically and for sharing your beautiful wisdom, the way you do in these videos. Much love, respect and appreciation of you….)0(

  • Cody Yoga

    I appreciate your point of view, however at time it seems like you harbor judgments about "fierce" and "chaotic" energies- many 'lightworkers' feel those are inferior vibrations/ energies. Those frequencies are equally important and there for your exploration. I've noticed a lot of "spiritual" people tend to judge these energies as bad or negative. I really think that misses the point of what this Shift in Consciousness is all about- learning to skillfully work with whatever your given. If its "rage" or "anger" can you as the Alchemist/ Magician transmute it into something useful such as 'couRAGE' as opposed to just labeling it as 'negative', trying to avoid it, or feeling a need to judge it? As long as you feel a need to label one emotion as being more favorable than another- you are still stuck in a polarized, 3rd dimensional mindset. An alchemist transcends the need to label for he/ she knows the value inherent in ALL experiences given. Just my imperfect thoughts…

  • Lara Hamilton

    You are loved Tim. I appreciate how you're following your life path and blessing your friends and followers (if you will) with it! Thanks for being your intense passionate self brother!