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  • CC D

    I thought that we learned from Ferguson that if you have policepresentthey destroy and blame it on the police presence, and when you don't have the police present they destroy and blame it on the lack of police presence.

  • WARP10CK

    Does she not realise that her comments was recorded ??? she claims that her words was twisted, no they were not you said that you gave people who wished to destroy a place to do that.

  • Perseus Wong

    11:10 What part about "The Governor CANNOT call in the National Guards UNTIL he is given the OK from the Baltimore Mayor" …do people NOT get? It wasn't the Governor's fault. It was Stephanie Rawlings-Blake who must be held accountable for saying things like "we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well." before and during the riot. And for failing to call in backup in a timely manner. Technically, her statement makes her an accomplice and facilitator to the ensuing looting, arson and assault.

  • Luc Daig

    CNN is doing a lousy job over the situation. In a 5 minutes report here in Canada we were shown the "real" Baltimore. The very rich white side and the very poor black side. Houses abandoned. The poverty rate of the african american up to 24%, the high unemployment figure of the same group. African american representing 63% of the population while they hold 34% of the businesses. The profiling from the police. They only had to show 2 minutes of the riots to give us the main idea. No wonder !
    America proved the point that agressive capitalism doesn't work. Most white american don't give a shit about black communities and leave them aside. then they come up and say it's the greatest country in the world ? BULL SHIT !

  • whactya

    Wasn't Don Lemon of CNN the one questioning Missouri governor for bringing in too much police force on the rioting in Ferguson and blaming him for escalating the violence? CNN has become an agitator for violence in order to get higher ratings and more profit.

  • Sean Smith

    What's funny about the retard at the end is that he's shouting, "Fuck you, governer" when he really should be shouting "Fuck you, mayor." But the mayor is a black woman so he knows he can't. SJW!

  • Roy Patterson

    He needs to stop defending for the bitch and let her fend for herself, she shouldn't even be in office, because she's a liar!! She most certainly did say, " for those who wish to destroy I give them space to do that", so what the fuck does she think that means, this is why nobody should trust the Government, because they are so crooked and are a bunch of liars and murderers!!!!!!!

  • Bumble Bee

    well since authorities can't do stop them. civilians should have the right to shoot them and protect their property. Right?

  • Jamal Schlitz


  • Anthony Brown

    The governor says "We will bring everything we have, this will not continue." You ididot! This all started because a kid was killed and some how a week later, you guys still dont have any answers!!!! O my God!! Its never going to end because they are not addressing any issues. Lets try something alright, lets try a peaceful protest and not have a single officer show up…..Lets just try it. Because every peaceful protest so far, has been all good, up until a swarm of militarized police show up. Peaceful protestors protesting police brutality that has run rampant and unheard, remedy, huge police force shows up to stand toe to toe….surprised it got outta hand……….Welcome to America….

  • Five nights at freddy's girl

    All I can think about is Baltimore I have been watching CNN since early on yesterday. I have to say it breaks my heart to know that young youths have lost all hope! Although I have evaluated the whole thing as I'm sure a lot of others in America has and everyone is valued to their own opinion. I understand all view points that have been pointed out. How burning down your own city is not the answer but the youth are trying to be heard be seen and be acknowledged. Noone knows what's it's like to be invisible or look down upon or never given a chance because of the streets you come from. From not having the same luxurys as others with money unless of course you came from those streets and those struggles. I also understand that everyone no matter where they come from has a choice to better their life and follow their no matter how hard to broke you might be, because the majority of humans who are wealthy probably worked their assessment off to get what they have, but we also have to understand that some young youth does not understand why they can't have the same amount of education and respect from police officers and other government officials that the higher class get. It's heartbreaking to know that our world is separated the way it is I don't think it has so much to do with African Americans and whites as it has to door with with wealthy versus poor. I know people and have witness even doctors offices that treat different races poorly with the treatments they need or medication even surgery because they have medicaid. Money is the root to all evil and if the wealthy individuals and other people that were higher up would help turn these poor location into something better it would probably change the attitude of millions. Police are hardly never seen in rich neighborhoods and their is alot of rich humans that do drugs, sell drugs and even provide drugs, but police do not acknowledge them why?! Because they live in a good neighborhood drive a beamer and have a good amount of money in the bank. Police stay in poorer class neighborhood why because violence is more likely to occur why?! Because these youth have seen there mothers and or father's struggle to provide. They can't get jobs or their jobs are limitless because of a past record. Because they have to do what they have to do to fend for themselves. Police can see you out on the street or driving down the road and pull you over harass you and search your car for dope because they expect that. They expect the poorer class of individuals to lash out or to sell drugs to rob and to even kill. But why are they doing this. They feel abandoned by the world they feel singled out they feel like Noone cares about them. I'm sure have of that young youth is very smart and could be the next millionaire, but they need help and encouragement to show and teach them there is more to life than what is on those streets. That's not just in Baltimore it's every city every state. The people that are actually trying ro help these community's are barely getting by their selves and to me this is the problem. If a few people would step up and help make there city better donate money even help build I don't think it would be a big issue. It's like the whole world is separated with money. I understand that humans also in the richer class feels as though they shouldn't have to work while someone else gets to have foodstamp and big federal income tax check, but some of them single mom's work there asses off to at At a dead end job everyday and still make under the amount to be eligible for government assistants and big tax checks. I also understand that there are people that abuse that right. We have to learn and realize that not everyone has the same strengths every individual is different and every person should not be treated the same in the eyes of the law meaning that just because they come from a bad neighborhood does not mean they are all bad people. I think the every single person in the United States should have adrelbig enough heart to give back and pay it foward. One of my goals that is on the top of my list is to try my hardest to have enough money to give to the less fortunate I'm by no means rich and I struggle just like everyone else but see these people living on the streets living in the dark resorting to drugs and other means just to struggle to survive. There is nome telling if everyone just paid it foward how much of of a difference it would make it the world. I love all people all races but I also understand every aspect of every veiw point. It upset me to know and see what the world is coming to. As soon as I also get to where I want to be in life I am going to start paying it foward starting with my city my state and hope that others will help make a change.