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    Just when I thought this man couldn't do much worse for this country towards the end of his presidency. Ladies and gentlemen, grab your umbrellas and hazmat suits, because where in for a shit show, a nuclear, shit show.

  • gypsy roma

    Put this in perspective you don't know what are you were doing after all you never had a job in your life President Obama you never even ran a lemonade stand now you have gave everything Tehran everything it needs how in the world I can't understand this how did you people reelect him for the second term you people is the craziest bastards in the world and you people know who you are you are crazier then he is you people have just f*** United States you should hang your heads in shame what you people have done everytime you look at yourself in the mirror you should say to yourself I help doing this and look at your children or your grandchildren and figure out what have you done and you know who you are the people who have voted him in for the second term you dumb bastards make me sick

  • Angel Rivas

    Daniel 9: 27

    27 And he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease; and upon the wing of abominations shall come one that maketh desolate; and even unto the full end, and that determined, shall wrath be poured out upon the desolate.

  • Tino JordanoF

    The dude in the background is a reptilian

    -Constantly blinking with no reason (reptile like) Obama blinks 4 times the whole interview
    -what the fk is the doing there at the first place

  • zenerd

    Fckin A
    1. A step towards Universal Healthcare (aka ObamaCare)
    2. Nuclear deal with Iran
    3. Legalizing gay marraige
    4. Osama bin laden dead
    5. pulling u.s out of an economic disaster
    now…thats what I call a presidency…

  • Paul Stovall

    Oh, please. I'm just totally covered in the 'warm fuzzies' here. What a guy. This moron has done NOTHING but lie, cheat and sell our country down the tube and I'm supposed to 'trust this'?? Not on your life.

    That this blithering moronic imbecile that is Obeavis should have been awarded a Nobel Prize is unconscionable.

    It should instead be removed from office, charged with high treason during time of war, tried and executed for said upon guilty verdict.

    It's galling to think that not one person in the House so much as has the balls to at least enact the 25th Amendment against this treasonous bastard is simply beyond belief of any understanding other than pure greed and total averis.

  • Clarence Aaron Jones

    There you have it; Satan's servant is lecturing us about world peace while enabling global destruction.

    If Obama's latest show of his contempt for humanity has finally awoken you from your Obama-mania trance, do not fear! It's not too late to come to Christ. You can put your trust in Jesus today and know that no nuke will get in the way of the Lord's promise of your salvation. He already did the work and paid the price for your sins. All you have to do is accept his free gift of forgiveness and you too can have eternal life.

  • camaro rider

    damn it this dumbass turned a once great nation into a land of faggots, im surprised we havent gotten invaded.

  • MsAtticonline

    Yea, we have to give them 24 days notice for them to hide everything before we go in to inspect.
    WHERE ARE OUR PRISIONERS? Obama just before the talk releasedIRANIAN prisoners that were here smuggling arms and drugs, I guess he thought more about them and the drug addicts he released back out on our streets. SHAME SHAME SHAME on you Obama!!! LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND!!! You lied in the face of those children! This will be your legacy.