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  • Mago The Snowman

    Just pre order the limited premium serious edition from a Gamestop inside a Wallmart next to the best buy, have it delivered via Amazon and crossbread your PS4 with your PC so you can have steam functionality. Then make a WB account and buy the season pass.
    There, you have all the content on day 1…
    Or wait a year for GOTY, whatever floats your boat

  • elsacapuntaz

    Earth 2, Inc, Injustice Batman, Blackest Night, Brightest Day, Sinestro Corps, Long Halloween, Beyond (the real one), and The Animated Series all need a return. Cool ones to add are Green Lantern Corps, a Jim Lee Batman specifically the one from Hush, Kingdom Come. And please can we please, pretty please, super please, get skins from the movies. 1989 Keaton, 2005 Bale, 2008/2012 Bale, and 2016 Affleck. Please!! Its been 4 games now and we cant get those?!

  • Batman Fanatic

    TBH this pre-order thing for some reatailers getting ridiculous. I've pre-ordered Batmobile edition and getting the season pass. I'm not bothered about the skins much , as I'm sure we can unlock these or buy them separately and won't cost a lot. But it is ridiculous and utter bullocks if I don't get the RedHood DLC when I spend this much money.

  • ANarcher

    I know this is highly unlikely but what if Red Hood is Joker I know in City it was strongly believed he died but the way he pulled out his guns in 02:29 just seemed too familiar…

  • danielcwc

    I cant make my decision, on one hand I really want the Beyond skin and to get it, I could only pre-order through steam. On the other hand, I would like to play on my PS4 with smoother gameplay due to my old pc and stream too… Damn Y U DO TIS!!

  • MsBigDaddyP

    This video should be titled "All the content that should be in the game already but we wanted to be greedy assholes so we cut it out of game to be pre-order bonus DLC".

  • TheMadMadman

    They kinda went overboard with the DLC. Don't get me wrong, its all awesome, but is there any reason a lot of this stuff couldn't have been included in the initial release?

  • Kakka Carrot Cake

    Anyone else hoping that when you 100% the game they will reward you with Christian Bales Batman costume and Ben Afflecks?

  • Daniel Allen

    so basically if you pre-order from gamestop for ps4, you get red hood, Harley Quinn, and scarecrow nightmare? sounds like the best offer to me.

  • Jimbo Doriocota

    This shit is so fucking gay, I've already spent 60$ or more (depends on country) for your stupid game and then you tell me I have to buy all these shit? Even worse you are telling me that there's no way I can access it if I don't buy it from an especific retailer for a specific platform?

    Fuck you. I'll wait a year for the "Everything that we removed" Edition.