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  • MuSiCkWoRlD1

    Why is this guy always reviewing gamepsot big games? He always seem to hate on everything that he doesn't like even the small pieces of the game. Example "This rock is to bug I don't like it." Pathetic.

  • cybersunday07

    If there's 1 thing I've learned from mainstream reviews… it's DON'T LISTEN TO ANY MAINSTREAM REVIEWS. I don't think 1 reviewer in the past 5-6 years has given a review I can agree with on anything.

    Call of Duty for example. Mainstream reviewers hype the shit out of them every damn year saying how good they are, then when you get them you realize it's a Michael Bay style game with a cliche/boring story and lots of explosions.

    Not saying CoD is bad, just that it's a 6/10… not an 8/10 or above. It's a cheesy action game with cliche written all over it. It's fun, but nothing special.

    Arkham Knight is SPECIAL. At least in my opinion. It didn't have a prequel last year, or a prequel the year before the prequel, it's been 4 years since Arkham City, and I don't know about anyone else but I'm aching to unmask the Knight.

  • 1.21 Gigawatts

    Why so many down votes.. none of you have even played the game yet.. I can't believe people actually get offended over review scores..

  • 2pacalypsePast

    I guess Rocksteady does not line reviewers pockets like Rockstar do to get 10/10s across the board for boring games with broken online. Have not played this so dont know if it warrants a 7 one way or another

  • williamssekai

    Grand Theft Auto 5 while fun overall had mandatory, lackluster missions as well, and yet it gets a 9.0 while this gets a 7.0 for the same problem? Am I saying that GTA V should get a lower score? No, it shouldn't. In fact, I'm not even here to say Batman AK should have a higher score. I'm just here to say that Gamespot's scoring system is trash and should be ignored.

  • Ihal Gaming

    Gamespot, your review are so stupid, you gave Call of Duty ghosts an 8/10 even though that is a piece of SHIT yet you give this game that got multiple 10/10s a fucking 7/10 what is wrong with you?

  • pyramidhead13579

    Just a reminder, these are the same people who gave Far Cry 4 a 7/10, Alien Isolation a 6/10, THE LAST OF US a 8/10 and they gave Call of Duty advanced Warfare a 9/10. It's obvious they get paid for giving a game a good review

  • Darkly Tranquil

    Good job, everyone. Way to perpetuate all those negative stereotypes about gamers' maturity and civility.

  • Artorias Raiden

    you give Batman Arkham Knight a 7, Far Cry 4 a 7, Alien Isolation a 6, Wolfenstein the New Order a 7, The Last of Us an 8 but give Call of Duty AW a 9?

  • Light

    Too much batmobile justifies a 7? If they didnt put the batmobile in the game you bitchy reviewers would complain about no new innovations.

  • RiveltaMercurio

    GameSpot fails in their attempts to be critical. High polished well designed game gets a low score for subjective reasons, It's alien isolation all over again.

  • TheTinyTimmyTimTim

    While the points In this review were valid, docking it so many points for too much batmobile, and predictable storyline (which varies from person to person) is a bit extreme. Ign gave it a 9 and polygon gave it a 10. These problems are clearly not big enough to detract from the overall experience.