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  • OtherThanIrwin

    Lets see…

    The slime in Washington passes a bill that officially ended any semblance of democracy, Corporations rule the whole world, Greece has financially collapsed, a man sets himself of fire on a train in Japan, whack job religious fanatics chop off peoples heads, the climate is collapsing, millions of people in Syria are homeless, the rich are raping everyone and everything, more children live in poverty than at any other time in recorded human history, police are militarized against the public (and they like it), we're in the 6th mass extinction of life on this planet and nobody cares and the absolute worst of it…

    Ben and Jen…"announce" they are getting a divorce…

    Heavens to Betsy.

    What's next, the douche bag also known as Kanye whose presence on this planet is an insult to "actual" douche bags…can't sing?

    How will we survive this as a species?