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  • Phoenix T

    I love Ben for defending Islam. Millions of Muslims are against terrorism and ISIS including myself. Killing others because they worship a different God is always wrong. Muslims are peaceful. I don't have NOTHING against other religions because it's their choice and it's their lives, not mine. They call us terrorists where in reality, American soldiers (tools) invade other countries (Iraq) rape women, kill innocent kids, and harm the elders. But still call muslims Terrorists for defending their land! Every religion has extremist people whether you like it or not. Sure it's not acceptable but it is what it is. ISIS don't represent Islam whatsoever. Don't judge an entire religion just based on the actions of INDIVIDUALS!

  • Friedrich Gilmour

    "Fool's paradise: We are missing our only opportunity to escape the animal realm. Millions of people are burying their heads in the sand and hoping some myths will save them. We are busy playing mind games and missing an opportunity that comes once every seven hundred million years. For what? We are not happy living the lie." - quote from "The Present" at TruthContest•Com

  • Just DEFECT

    This is realy wonderful ! Satan migh be ruling this world , but its stil a creation of God ! God Is Greater !

  • rene grondzi

    I have a lot Islam friends and they live like us.You have good poeple and bad poeple on this world. In belguim are more Muslims then belgium poeple. Do you hear everyday on tv, "The Muslims Blowing Every 2 Second's Buses And Buildings Up" ?

  • Jon

    Bill Maher is a fucking idiot.
    Before this video I thought Ben Affleck was just another ignorant rich actor.. This video made me think Ben Affleck is the hero we need..

  • Brandon Wallace

    the thing that people have to understand is ISIS are not Muslims. They have broken so many rules claiming to be Muslims. One rule. Muslims are not allowed to kill innocent people believers or non believers. Meaning woman children the elderly and non combatants. It's strictly prohibited in the Qur'an. 2 Muslims are not allowed to force people to convert to Islam either which they are trying to do is also strictly prohibited. They are committing so many crimes against humanity is insane yet people want to identify them as Muslim. They aren't. It's like a donkey calling him or herself a horse.

  • CloakAnd Dagger

    Cenk is retarded on the subject of Islam. Wish we could send him to Iraq so he could see just how peaceful Islam is.

  • cedkira

    If over a billion Muslims held the views of the terrorists, they could have destroyed America long before now.

  • cory stereo

    Although my post will probably get lost in the shuffle, I want to explain why I feel no intelligent person can side with Ben Affleck. Here are some quotes from the show:

    Sam Harris: "We've been sold this meme of Islamophobia where every criticism of the doctrine of Islam gets conflated with bigotry toward Muslims as people; and that's just not true."

    Ben Affleck's response: "So you're saying that Islamophobia is not a real thing."

    Umm, no he didn't say that Ben, you fucking IDIOT! Did Sam's use of the word conflated throw you off because it wasn't at the 6th grade reading level you're used to operating at? We can already see that Ben can't grasp a simple concept such as: "Liberals have failed because they can't tell the difference between criticism of an ideology and criticism of the people who follow that ideology." Ben then goes on to call the notion "racist". What have we learned? Ben not only misunderstands Sam Harris, his reaction actually proves Sam's statement to be completely true. So in the first two minutes, Ben has thrown his own credibility right out the window.

    Criticizing Nazism doesn't mean you hate Germans. All people who are racist towards Arabs criticize Islam, but not all people who criticize Islam are racist towards Arabs. This is simple logic that "intellectual" liberals like Affleck should have learned in freshman-year critical thinking courses.

    That is why I vote Republican, people: because Affleck's thinking permeates modern American liberalism.

  • egzon lehcanuma

    usa killing in irak my daughter and my cousins… my one cousin was 4 years old and the other 17 years old… and the fucking usa saying we muslims are terroist? shut up we hate usa i am kurdish!

  • Bashar Amosh (‫بشار العموش‬‎)

    اللهم اغفر لى ولوالدى وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات

  • Tyehimba Jahsi

    I know that the vast majority of Muslims are peace-loving people. My criticism of Islam is NEVER based on Muslim people! My criticism of Islam is based on the Quran (Islam's holy book), the Hadith (the traditional sayings and actions of Muhammad), and the Sira (the biography of Muhammad). No matter how much you point to the vast majority of peaceful Muslims and what they do and how they live, I will NEVER base my assessment of Islam on Muslim people! I will base my assessment of Islam on its SOURCE documents. And based on those source documents, I judge Islam to be bad, bad, BAD for the world!

  • RobynHarris

    Ben Affleck should really stick to what he knows,
    destroying superhero franchises, and leave the
    thinking to Matt Damon.

  • firdosa hussein

    So, the Young turks Jack ass claims " I left Islam because it make no sense, Well, I guest sleeping with your children and screwing your students in the church makes great sense.