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  • ck9292

    Elect this man! Hillary Clinton is not looking out for us. She is looking out for the big corporations and billionares. Any time shesays otherwise is her being fakeand dishonest to win votes.This man is the most honest and straight forward candidate for president I have ever seen. Bernie Sanders for President 2016! Vote! Vote! Vote!

  • jahivah

    Unfortunately this man will never be president. Because gullible American drones will flock to the polls to elect someone who sells them the Capitalist dream. God bless Socialism and those wise enough to understand its merits.

  • Kevin Clarke (ksclarke)

    Wow. A straight-talking, plain-spoken, authenticate candidate… Who'd have thunk we'd ever see one of those!

  • JC Korn

    Hate socialism?
    Please don't take your Social Security, drive on interstate highways, or go to a National Park.

    USSR is socialism done wrong, USA is capitalism done wrong.
    A blend with checks and balances would be delightful.

    Sanders or bust!

  • H0okemh0rns

    3 months ago I didn't know who this guy was, and now he has my vote. After finding out who he is, what he stands for, his track record and his no BS attitude he has to be the most decently honest candidate I've seen running for president in a while.

  • Modest Mouseketeer

    I'm a Canuck. I don't understand how someone has to explain to his compatriots that "socialist" isn't a bad thing. It's sad that Americans' default reaction to the word is a shudder or some sort of disgust. That betrays the fact that anti-socialism is endoctrinated in the American educational system, media, etc. I'm glad, nonetheless, that a large amount of Americans have the critical thinking necessary to see through it.

  • Tim Masterson

    The man has the accent of an angel. I'd love for him to become president just to hear him speak all the time.

  • salsero56

    I read a lot of "He is right but has no chance of winning so I am not voting for him". He has no chance of winning if people buy into this attitude. Remember when Obama won against Mitt Romney. The Rich of the Rich parked their personal jets in Boston to celebrate Mitt's election win. There was no way in hell that Obama would win. What happened? People actually went out and voted. So in the same context, don't count Bernie out. It could be a surprise if people start getting involve and propagating his message.

  • Lydia Cawthorne-Luff

    He's brilliant! As someone from Europe (UK) I find it so odd that Americans see Socialism as something bad.

  • oggyreidmore

    What I love about Bernie Sanders is that when you ask him a question, he answers that question. He doesn't pull this political double speak so that when asked a question about healthcare he turns it into an answer about ISIS. He's a no bullshit candidate, and frankly I'd vote for that any day over a slick talker with more hair gel than backbone.

  • Ellie likeswater

    a mix of Socialism and capitalism works great. The problem with America is Corporate Socialism in the USA Corporate profits are breaking records while there are a record number of Americans on FOOD STAMPS YOU have to be very poor to be on them.

  • Mr. Arya Stark

    I think Bernie and Hilary are both great candidates, not sure who I am going to vote for. Whoever wins between them tho is so much more competent than the republican candidate.

  • Analucila “mafaldagp” Gutierrez

    The socialism concept is widely misunderstood in USA, because they think is related to communism. When it is definitely not, social democrats governments are as Bernie describes them. At the end i don't understand why americans fear the word "Socialism" so much, if they have Education, postal service all based on the socialism concept .