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  • Candide Thirtythree

    In this country it takes an average of 12 years..YEARS to get a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis the average in the UK and Canada is less than 3 years…why? Because doctors milk your insurance. Things like Lyme Disease and mold exposure and lupus and dozens of other debilitating autoimmune diseases go undiagnosed for years until the damage is so severe that it cannot be undone. In civilized countries they have no incentive to put patients off and string them along with anti-depressants and pain pills and repeated tests because there is no insurance to milk.

  • Tesla Nova

    I don't expect him too, but if he came to Texas. I'd go to the other end of the damn state just for a rally… I feel he has a real chance because people nowadays are pissed we've already voted for the slimy greedy politicians. And with Bernie I feel he has authenticity which is gold to me. I believe he has a chance the people are beginning to have actual hope in Bernie… To be honest I never heard of him until a few months ago, but I'm so glad I clicked on the random video in my "what to watch" section…. BERNIE 2016!

  • HuntForWaffles

    Every day I lose more and more hope in the American Political system. This man is the silver lining. Next year will be the first election, of which I'll be legally old enough to vote in. You bet your ass I'm voting for Bernie! BERNIE 2016!!!!!!!!

  • Juan Madero

    Ha!! We have the grassroots and we have the internet. Who needs big money donors? Let's redouble our efforts people! Donate and help spread the word to your community. This is possible, and if we don't take this opportunity with both hands and run with it then we will live to regret it. LET'S DO THIS!!! #feelthebern

  • Joe Hiker

    The crazy thing is Bernie is not asking for anything, many other countries citizensalready take for granted. I am listening to what he wants to do, and I think, we have that now. Good luck Bernie, you the man. Bring america into the 21st century.

  • Rainbow Cockerel

    I just got the news yesterday that im going to be an american citizen. Once Im done with my swearing in, im going to vote for sanders.

  • toasteh

    For the love of god make Bernie Sanders your next president. The man actually has a brain, and is in touch with the current day and age. I mean, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are your best options in your 2 party system? What the fuck?

  • SK420pro

    If Bernie is elected, it will be the most intelligent and moral thing the American people have done in a long long time.

  • Craig Fatteicher

    This man is risking his life trying to make a real positive change in the world. He is starting a political movement against a system of control that has killed in the past to maintain control. He deserves attention.

  • Matthew J Price

    Damn that's a great speech. Prison / Police reform? Who talks about that on the campaign trail? Lots of great points throughout.

    I think the only part I remotely disagreed with is about exporting jobs to people in China. I don't particularly care about Americans having more jobs than Chinese people. We all need jobs, and this bit stinks of tribalism.

  • John

    I haven't been so engaged with a politician in a while, Bernie Sanders is reviving American politics, simply sensational! And I am not even American. Greetings from Germany and #Bernie2016!

  • siszam

    I will be voting for Bernie Sanders because I want my children and grandchildren to have a better life where education, healthcare and a living wage is something every American has, not just a small percentage.