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  • FreedomIsSlavery

    LOL this is what you get for being White and a part of the Democrat party. you deserve all you get.

    Blacks will hate your guts no matter what you say, do you not realise this yet?

  • Ole Olson

    The Seattle disruption has been condemned by BlackLivesMatter Seattle and BLM Washington who say the protesters are not members: http://twitter.com/blm_seattle/status/630148715638951936 http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=589710071167552&id=523804057758154

    These two girls should be ashamed of themselves for doing the damage they did. Spitting in the faces of good people gathered for Social Security and Medicare and to hear the candidate with the strongest civil rights record of ANY of the candidates from any political party in America.

  • Haqim Al-Arabia

    if black lives matter, then the niggers need to tell all the other niggers to stop shooting the niggers. yo yo yo my niggers.

  • Don Nasca

    Unreal. These nasty bitches have the nerve to destroy both Bernie Sander's who is their ONLY hope for change and the BLM movement in 60 seconds.

    They basically just showed the entire world why black people are feared and cops do what they do. They screamed in his face and laid hands on him. It was threatening behavior and they wanted him to either react badly or cave in to their demands.

    Three people had the gaul to suggest they would shut down the rally and they pulled it off! They actually pulled it off. Where the hell is Sander's security? Why did 500 people just sit there? Nobody came to his defense and told those bitches to sit the F down. They even said they could speak after Sanders for god sake.

    They had no intention of speaking, they had no message of any kind. They did what they were paid to do. Clinton and the Republican's want Bernie shut down and they found a few street thugs who don't know a damn thing about Sander's to act out of control. The other candidates must love this. This is dirty politics at its best.

    I hope the black community leaders come out and stand guard for Bernie tomorrow in Portland and they grab these nasty bitches before they storm the stage.

    If they tried that at a Republican rally, they would be in the hospital. Pathetic.

    To those of you who use this to smear progressives and liberals, go crawl back into your hole. The Liberal Patriots have had it with your ignorance and bullying. You are no better than the two nasty bitches. Actually, you are infinitely worse, at least they come out of their hole and show their true colors in their ugly nasty flesh and not use the PC as their security blanket.

  • mrjericho5701

    his is how the Evil Left rolls,….These anti America progressives are the problem,….also White Lives matter also

  • Lindsey Corliss

    Out of all the candidates, why on earth would you attack Bernie? He's on your side! You're not doing any good by attacking the people who are trying to help you.

  • mikevestibularman

    BLM needs to take this awesome and efficient means of getting their point across to Baltimore and Chicago. I suggest they do this at a block party. Oh, they wont….because they will get shot or beat up because their black lives don't matter to the other black lives. But you know who wont shoot you or beat you up? An old white dude who marched with MLK. IOT be taking seriously by alot of the people in the US I suggest fixing the whole killing each other at enormous rates first. I believe ALL lives matter.