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  • gosurf2air

    Good points. Start a new party. And who are the people shouting, "how dare you?" Looks like Seattle is soul searching about its own identity and racial politics.

  • mrfundamental247

    See the problem with this incident is that while their message is honourable, BLM will not win people over if they keep on pulling stunts like this. It's simple human nature really. People will not join you if you call them white supremacists. They will hiss and shout you down because they are offended that you would think that of them (this is at a liberal rally!). Find the true perpretrators of your oppression. Go to a GOP rally. Don't go to an event and attack a man who was fighting with the very person you mention (MLK) since well before you were even born, matured and had your civil rights awakening.

  • Ashley Allen

    This is embarrassing, and precisely why I chose to distance myself from this campaign a while back. Racial injustice is indeed an issue in America that needs to be addressed…but these sort of abrasive, childish, irrational tactics are counterproductive. We need to be willing to put our emotions aside long enough to engage in a constructive dialogue; we need to understand that it is imperative for us to conduct ourselves in a manner that will encourage and inspire others to join us in this fight. We also need to realize there are many other issues related to social justice that are also relevant to Americans collectively.

    I'm sure some commenters will come here and start in with the racist generalizations…but please keep in mind this was only two women. They do not represent most black Americans…I can guarantee there were more black people in the crown feeling humiliated by their behavior than would actually condone it.

    These women ought to be ashamed of themselves for their selfishness and entitlement.

  • TheGreatestCorean

    LOL–every time Bernie speaks, he'll be looking over his shoulder to make sure that a big fat loud mouthed black woman won't be screaming in his aging ear….

  • Titus Orelius

    This is what happens when you let Feminists and SJWs Hijack a Movement. They turn it into Garbage just like they did the Occupy Wallstreet Movement.
    They take something that is meant to help EVERYONE and they turn all the focus on WOMEN and WOMEN ONLY.
    Never Let Feminists/SJW take over your movement. NEVER.

  • Clayton Cobb (KM4KMJ)

    They've already proven that Soros paid these people to do this. This is why you don't see these idiots anywhere else, not at a Clinton event, and not at ANY gop events, which is rather, fucking ironic. STFU, you do not have the right to act like assholes and take other people's stage events! You only HURT your causes you CLAIM to support, while BLM has called you out for your stupidity, you keep doing it. Which proves the point, they are getting PAID to do this childish bullshit!

  • Tyrone Biggs

    *How have blacks like myself stopped racism in America* ?
    By burning the American flag that many have died for to stop racism.
    By destroying businesses, homes, and beating up FELLOW protesters 2 end racism
    By desecrating the graveyards of GENERALS and American patriots to end racism
    By Harassing white families an even BLACK families trying to enjoy a meal together to end racism.
    By beating up FELLOW protesters that are white, and even some that are black to end racism.
    By airing racist shows directed at WHITE PEOPLE to end racism.
    I'm mixed, and my mom is black, and my dad is Italian…. PLEASE, PLEASE, understand not all of us blacks or mixed are STUPID, FUCKED UP, and blatantly ignorant like this. Please, we are not all this god damn fucking stupid.

  • Ano Nymos

    it is stupid bitches like these that give us black folk a bad name. Please don't think of all of us as these loud, obnoxious, hypocritical buffoons.

  • zmanzmanzmanzman1

    Had MLK been alive to witness these two idiots representing BLM, he would have personally gave them the bitch-slapping they so desperately needed.

    My support and sympathy for BLM officially ended yesterday!

  • Myke D

    I don't see these BLM hypocrites recognizing the dozens of blacks who were murdered by other black thugs in Chicago this Summer, including children! They only get pissed when 'whitey' kills one of them. Goddamned scum!