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  • Onan Encore

    Evil exists, but its authors are human beings overwhelmed by their own suppressed jealousies, anger, lusts, etc which finally erupt to destroy anything in proximity. People can't face that, so they insist it is an outside agency that forces them to do evil acts. "Satan" is an excuse used to absolve them of all responsibility. Bill Cosby isn't the devil just because he raped 60+ women and children

  • DoubleVisionandco

    This is my favorite because it reminds me of exactly how my father was when I was a kid. He would pretty much tell his life story. Ate dirt because that's all there was, walked to school with no shoes on in several feet of snow and it was up hill both ways.
    Plus he killed every kind of animal you can imagine with his school books because they always attacked him and nobody else lol.

  • Dimpz Jig

    Legendary. Him and Richard Pryor are truely incredible, they set it off for all black comedians after the 50s, 60s and 70s. No matter what current hype and propaganda there may be, you have to pay your respects.

  • Sam Torres

    To those trying to make sense of why they are coming out now… I don't think anybody even bothers to mention how much money this man has. And no im not trying to say they are trying to get money out of him. I'm saying that it is so so so likely that he paid some of these women off not to say jack shit decades ago. Also keep in mind that there is a thing called stockhold syndrome where some create a bond with the person who hurt them. Also women coming out in 2000 is not all of a sudden -_-

  • yekda sahin

    "I fully believe Cosby was bangin hoes back in the day, but I seriously doubt he raped any of these women. Back then (and a lot of it still happens now) women would fuck famous men in attempt to get fame themselves. I'm sure Bill railed most of these hoes that are coming out of the woodwork, but I guarantee it was all consensual. In closing, hoes gonna hoe."

  • Pablo Sanchez

    Did this sketch in 7th grade for public speaking competition. I got 2nd in the State. Thank you Bill Cosby for your genius stand up. I give him most of the credit. xD

  • Adelita Phoenix

    I'm going to take a wild guess and say that YouTubers are going fill the comments sections on all his videos with rape jokes and accusations!

  • Mario Arteaga

    Read this please: Bill cosby was funny as hell… hahaha… he was the best. Until the rape charges, just like Micheal Jackson, or Whitney Huston. All legacies that are Good, get tarnished, until it's to late to say we loved you. And we feel bad because we can't say sorry. Im just saying don't persecute him until you know for sure