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  • Daremachina

    The reason they upstaged Bernie is that no other candidate would ever allow protestors to get them off their talking points. Bernie is a true believer in the rights of the citizens so what does he do? He asks the protestors to ask him a question so he can address their concerns directly! He WANTS to engage citizens in thoughtful debate but all he got was "we will shut this down."

    From what I can see he didn't even call on security to get them off the stage. He recognized that these specific protestors have no interest in letting him speak so he walked away so he didn't waste his time or that of the thousands of people hoping he would finally get to speak.

    I just keep gaining respect for the guy.

  • Marco A

    Maybe these activists should do their homework before trolling Bernie! Why dont they ever protest at the republican rallies??

  • bigge525

    Wow. Been behind this movement since it started. Really saddened they are so clearly so un-educated about the power structure that they are shouting down someone who is attempting to get in a position to actually do something about it if he becomes president!!! How about going after the current BLACK PRESIDENT who currently HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT BUT ISN'T, or the LOCAL POLITICIANS and PROSECUTORS WHO ARE LETTING THE LOCAL POLICE GET AWAY WITH THIS SHIT! Man. the B.L.M. movement just lost a lot of its credibility doing crap like this to someone who MARCHED WITH MARTIN LUTHER KING JR and has supported equal rights his entire career!!!

  • Life In Frame

    What the hell, Bernie is the only candidate you shouldn't be shutting down. I don't believe those were real Blacklivesmatter protestors. I think they were a plant from big money to disrupt the only real progressive candidate.

  • 1803SmAsh

    Majority of the people will think that those activists are pure dumb, and even though i agree with the statement, i would like to point out bernie sanders' humbleness and this just make him the most humble candidate ever. #feelthebern GO BERNIE SANDERS WOOOOOOO! !!!

  • All You Had To Do Was Follow The Train,

    This is why blacks can't have nice thibgs, all they have is rage and not a single well developed thought in their heads

  • k f

    Are we sure these are real activist? I've never seen anything about them online n I know the government has hired people to kill movements in the past.