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  • The 9/11 Attacks - 'Tuesday Morning in September' A Story

    2:15 I can see why Favre got himself into trouble..
    That's pretty normal.. a man being attracted to a woman.
    Sometimes that attraction can lead to trouble..
    Infatuation.. even delusion.. Hasn't Favre been embarrassed
    enough already by his inappropriate actions… Yeah. . .
    COURAGE? That word had been running through my mind..
    We'll have to re-define what courage is.. Courage? Maybe
    NOT clapping at that event was a better definition of courage. .?
    Maybe turning ones back on the whole perverse event; walking out..
    would be a more suitable action to proclaim as courageous. .
    Maybe Favre will bring about a whole movement; unintentionally,
    of folks who consciously rub their hands.. in the stead of. . or
    symbolism of.. washing ones hands clean of such perversity. .
    How militant is the gay militant movement? I hope exceedingly so. .
    to awaken a sleeping giant.. Complacency is a topical manifestation.
    Maybe cowardice. . but it could change.. That's a natural change..

  • toscodav

    A man dressed like a woman gets an award at the ESPY's and everyone thinks Farve rubbing his hands is weird. LMAO !!!

  • Austin Treeter

    I have no problem with his reaction, it's normal…….Jenner isn't normal, and you can't force feed me to accept that it is. Go Brett!

  • phil ledbetter

    He doesn't "trip" or "drop" the trophy. The trophy is already on the ground and he reaches over to pick it up. As he reaches, his microphone wire gets caught on the chair and it pulls him backwards. You can confirm this by watching him AFTER he hands the trophy over. He is still trying to unwrap the wire from the chair.

    Furthermore, he doesn't DISS Aaron. He said when he was drafted, he wasn't great yet. He said he was good. That's hardly a diss.

    Lastly, why is it awkward if Brett doesn't clap? What difference is a hand rub from running your hands through your hair, or any other physical manifestation of anxiety? Maybe he was angry about it, actually, and the hand rub was the best he could come up with. He could have given BRUCE (not Caitlyn) the finger instead. How awkward would that have been?I wouldn't have stood up at all because I'm not certain what I'm supposed to be celebrating.

    You're going to take digs at a guy who used some pain pills a little too much early on in his career (haven't we all used some kind of pill?), and then texted a hot chick at the end of it. Wow, that guy is SO FAR OFF BASE. Yet you probably voted for Clinton and defended him when he did a lot more than that with Monica. And you'll support this nonsense here with Bruce Jenner when the movement he is representing also has members that want access to women's bathrooms just because they "identify as such". But Brett sent a text and some voicemails. In the "Line'em UP" Price Is Right game of morality, sounds like you got them all right and you're a big winner.