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  • Naomi

    It seems to me the female anchor was the most offensive, what with her insulting remarks like asking Cara if she's irritated, or recommending she nap or get a RB. There are these nuances in her tone that indicate she's not saying it in a light-hearted, oh-poor-girl-is-tired, way. You can tell there's some bite underneath. And then at the end she's trying to make the situation more blown than it is, saying "She was in a MOOD!" or "Geez Louise!!"
    Meanwhile, the anchor on the right is the only one who catches on to Cara's purposefully sarcastic behavior.

  • Alex Coreable

    Cara is a very nice person and she's so down to earth. If it was me i would sure lose my temper already. let alone of pronouncing her name wrongly, she asked if cara was irritated and not as excited. so rude and unprofessional.

  • Rachel Belanger

    I feel like she always makes jokes like this though and even if she was tired she was still being her usual self and just letting them roll right off her tongue. I can understand why they'd think she seems less enthusiastic, but she wasn't being rude by any means. They crossed lines when they talked about her after she was gone. Seriously? Be professional and wait until after you're done filming.

  • SmartFool24

    So she gets paid a lot to do a movie and she owes a morning news show something for it? The reporter gets paid to do the news and can't get a name right.

  • kyelove

    In show business you run into rude interviewers and people all the time. But you have to stay composed and act professional. almost all interviewers are annoying lol and you may want to roll your eyes but you have to try and stay pleasant, it's part of your job.

    This applies in real life too. If there is someone you don't like but you are in a group with them are you going to be rude with them or get the project done? Or if your boss is really annoying are you going to be annoying back or do the job that you get paid for? She should have just finished the interview then never have an interview with them again. simple.

  • toyferBritney

    Yep, Sounds like a couple of idiots with no intelligence got let loose at that station. Black man was like, "Well, this should get me some new co-anchors!"

  • mzzzhedison

    Most interviewers ask those kinds of ridiculous questions though. Sure, they weren't as constructive as most, but Cara came off quite snotty and smug just after the first question was asked. Neither of them were mature about it.

  • Jay c

    If you're not English or even British for that matter, you probably won't get the fact that she was just messing around, she was being sarcastic but not in a mean way like the interviewers suggested she was, it's a case of them not understanding the sarcasm as it was intended and then getting all butthurt over it.

  • Noe Berengena

    Imagine having to talk to really stupid people asking ridiculously formulaic questions. Those "happy talk" news program people are total airheads who carry themselves like they know what they are taking about.

  • Mr Privacy

    While Ms D might indeed be accused of lacking a little chutzpah, the attitude of the Good Morning America hosts was very poor.They got her name wrong, then ask a yes/no question: Have you read the book. Who the hell cares IF she's read it? What do you think of the story or what do you think of the author's work would be better technique. Then they ask do you like the character? Yes/no. Can you focus when you're busy? Evidently she can. If you had more time would you not focus so well? Again, WTF is that supposed to illustrate?
    As they observed, she's been paid well. As are they, but at least she's not being paid to sit in front of an autocue, ask profoundly unimaginative questions and opine in a rather disorganised, disrespectful and frankly defecatory manner. They sounded like a bunch of parents awkwardly trying to make hip conversion with a teenage girl while secretly feeling smugly superior. Her answer, reading between the lines was: Dipshits.

  • Sweetsunshiine1

    WOWWW! The hosts were so rude! They should've known better. I guess manner doesn't come with age. If they felt that like she wasn't being as enthusiastic as they hoped she'd be, just move on! Get over it. Don't call her out on it and trash talk like high schoolers! These hosts were so unprofessional and childish! I feel awful for Cara…

  • Keri Colette

    I whole heartedly thought I was going to watch that and think some new actress thinks she is better than sliced bread. I found the newscasters to be complete bobble head morons, but hey I'm from jersey. Their questions were stupid and he even said I saw you with more enthusiasm last interview you did…..um maybe ask different questions. I hope she keeps who she is and if anyone was out of line it was that jerky woman. Telling her to grab a red bull and a nap. How bout she grab a personality and a jog. I'm a woman and I hate that indirect passive aggressiveness. I'm glad she told her no it's just you and did not apologize. They were the bore she was not.

  • chrisdavidi

    classic shit reporters. it's the interviewers job to get the best out of the interviewee. don't blame the interviewee if your interview doesn't get off the ground. unprofessional.