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  • Fox Mulder

    FEMA to hold Cascadia Earthquake DRILLS

    Gee… WTF could ever go wrong??

    No wonder the MSM, even Lefty Regime MSM rags like the New Yorker mag, who rarely if ever hype these type of 'news,' were all gaga over it, along with others, 'suddenly' in the last few days.

  • MitchZer0II

    Well, we're safe on the East coast at least… right? Oh shit wait, no we're not, that means the Californian refugees will come over here


    They can predict earthquakes as well as tsunamis now. I wouldn't take this warning lightly. Scientists today have better technology.

  • Rev0lutionIsMyName

    Hey, guess what? Foreign countries aren't going to give a shit and sure as hell won't feel sorry for us. Canada might get some love though.

  • erik nyjdam

    There's this forest in my home state of Washington called Ghost Forest, all the trees are dead and there's sand 5-10 miles from the beachfront. When the last big quake hit, the whole Ghost Forest area dropped 10 ft in a matter of seconds, then the sea came rushing in. Japan was hit by an epic wave from this earthquake, the local Indians recorded the year it happened, which coincides with the Japanese tsunami that was reported.

  • Xeno Phon

    It is our choice to still huddle near the ocean for convenience like our undeveloped ancestors. Until we start thinking like an evolved species what happens to us from mother nature is really just natural selection.

  • jefe Anson

    Better call the Mormons, because they did better than the fedral government in hurricane Katrina, like 1000 times better. Oh and who gives a shit about Washington state anyway , all the child support collecting neo feminist single moms and nazi statists can learn to swim, I wouldn't give that welfare state shit, theyve already collected enough welfare and child support for a million earthquaks. Seattle should just drop in the peuget sound and be over with and let thier citizens drown like rats.

  • Steve Angell

    Come on now. Reality has to mean something.
    In Japan cities 50 miles inland were destroyed. Yes the buildings would remain standing but to think they will not be damaged when the first floor or first five floors are underwater is a lie. Many smaller buildings would not remain after such a wave. Buildings of frame construction would be moved off their foundations and washed away just like in Japan. This could easily be double the power of the Japan quake.

  • Trolling TooGoddamnHardNiggaBitch

    Yay kinda because if it hits LA, youtubers like fouseytube, and the YouTube studio will be hit :P

  • Yeldarb Q

    the race against disaster. earthquakes? ISIS? asteroids? Hemorrhoids? Hillary Clinton? Sounds like death might get kind of exciting.

  • Who Cares

    Ok, we have another thing to worry about, the big one in the Pacific. Ebola, ISIS, Yellowstone going to blow, JADE HELM 15, asteroid killing all of us, solar flares, Obama getting a third term, the psychopaths are going to collapse the dollar, scarring us for what is coming. World war 3