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  • ClipOnSunglasses

    I like how his defense was that he didn't do anything illegal, even though he used a method to lure an endangered animal out of a protected park as to shoot it. "Yes, my loophole was perfectly legal" is not a valid defense against what you did.

  • TriviaTim101

    Typical fatass rich guy who is not badass, so he kills big animals in a cowardly way, and it gives him a sense of pride. Absolutely pathetic. I don't mind hunting for food, but people who murder animals simply for sport are scumfucks!

  • stayfly68

    Id have more respect for these "hunters" if they used knives instead of guns because they'd have to get in close for a kill.they shoot from far away because they know they wont stand a chance

  • TheBillABCTV

    The white American is a low life scumbag. He thinks he is so good being rich. I am angry. Tim I am angry with that white person who did this. Yes I am white my self from Australia.

  • Raiden Protecter of Earthrealm

    What a coward if I'm going to hunt big game like this I'm not gonna use a rifle or an arrow. Imma go in with a 3 inch blade and fight to the death and give the lion a chance to defend itself. However this will most likely never happen because I don't need to kill any animal for sport.

  • donald servais

    I have no problem with those who hunt as long as use what you kill for food this shit is wrong like those who fish for sport but would never eat a fish they kill more fish for sport then people know they claim to be so wild life friendly.

  • James Barnett

    I hunted in the past only buck white tail deer however. When I took mine the shot was clean through both lungs and the heart. He turned jumped and fell and died. I had the animal quartered and processed the meat lasted all winter and that night I eat deer heart and liver. I will never ever hunt majestic animals. They are to be gazed upon in awe.

  • richard garcia

    How fucked up is it that a country that puts all the time, money and effort into protecting lions also gives out permits to hunt them!
    Inmates running the asylum…
    Don't forget your outrage for the people that allowed the hunt!

  • Mike Williams

    Rich white guy killed him – two black guides led him there. Let's leave race out of this shall we? The man is an asshole and so are the guides. Their colour is irrelevant.

  • Grumpy Old Man

    A number of years ago I was staying in a hotel in Namibia. A man and his entourage came in and he had his trophy which was a cat I cannot remember. I was pretty disturbed about this but in doing some questioning it was explained to me that the money these individuals provide have also promoted conservation beyond the loss of the individual animal. In the US the best conservators of wildlife in respect to Animals, contributing to resources and moneys are the legal hunters.

    I think the direction of this anger is focused on the wrong target. If his guides, which are also used in the US were doing shit wrong then it is them who need to be addressed.

    The Jack ass is not the hunter who goes through permits and pays cash for a license to cull…which goes to conservation. It is the man who thinks "he" is the problem over the ass holes who kill for profit and poach indiscriminately. The later has no concern for the wild life. This man was not a poacher Jack Ass!

    Seriously dude…if your premise stood scrutiny then we'd end all hunting in the US. Think! I could make a good argument on how removing all licensed hunting would actually hurt the wild life some think they are trying to protect.

    I think you need you get more educated on wild life conservation and licensed huntings roll.

  • MJKsFan

    Good video, your honor. BUT your sentence was much too lenient!!! There are no words for the kind of person this doctor is. I totally agree with you that he would probably go around hunting humans if he could get away with it.