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  • Yusef Talib Siraj El-Bey

    Am I the only one in the world who thinks this man is really intelligent and just got set up by the government on false charges???

  • Lindsay Hale

    You can't even compare Bundy to Manson. Manson never killed anyone. Bundy was a killer, kidnapper, rapist, and necrophiliac. Ted killed for pleasure.
    Manson was accused for ordering a bunch of drugged up kids to kill for him.
    Charles Manson can not be labeled as a ¨serial killer.¨

  • WhenTheLeveeBreaks70

    What he says here is actually quite legit. "I only stand with people who can stand with themselves." That's a very apt criticism of Bundy. A lot of what Manson says is legitimate and very intelligent insight, and while I'd never follow him as some leader or whatever, it's kind of annoying that he's being compared to Ted Bundy in this video. They're not even in the same category – Bundy killed scores of people with his bare hands. Manson is a manipulative looney toon who, to my knowledge, never killed anyone.

  • Fiona Lovecraft

    Manson thinks he is so much better and eviller than any other infamous killer. Ted Bundy was way more charismatic, charming, seductive, and intelligent.

  • John Cornell

    Manson sounds like an inarticulate redneck thicko compared to Bundy. Manson can't even string a coherent sentence together. What a dope.

  • Pérez Wide Showsports

    What do you think about pornography? " I've been looking at it all my life nothing ever happened to me." Hahahaha.

  • jeff dahmer

    "Bundy's a poop butt, I don't role around with poop people like that!"
    :-D:-D Charles is a funny bastard! I could listen to his gibberish forever!

    Though, I do believe it's a bit of jealousy from Charles, because he never did his own bidding, whether he was to cowardly or whether he was to damn good at manipulating people that he didn't have too, I'm not sure, but I lean towards cowardly.
    And that too, Bundy killed over a 100 "oh so he claims" and Charles well he didn't kill anyone, really.
    I don't think Charles qualifies as serial material :-D

  • ratcat17

    It took abouteight seconds for CM to change the subject from TB to himself. Serial Killers are self absorbed. They want it to be all about them not someone else and he put Bundy down because also they feel they are far more superior to anyone.

  • Luke Sargent

    Pornography? I've been looking at it all my life, an it hasn't affected me!

    Life in prison isn't an effect?

    Bundy's a poop person. That really does make sense though. This was on the news… so funny.

    "Here is Manson's Great Analysis"

    Bundy is poop.


  • Alex Perez

    He's a paranoid schizophrenic. Lol. And all these idiots think he's smart. There is nothing smart about ending up in prison with a life sentence!