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  • GasCityGuy

    Ironic that while ranting about hate, he's being hateful to the minimum wage window clerk.
    And isn't it great watching liberals twisting in the wind trying to excuse away misbehavior of other liberals when they know the action was totally indefensible?
    Come on guys, just say the guy was a jerk no, if's and's or but's.

  • Piwork69

    She was very gracious dealing with that fool. By the way, Chik-Fil-La has every right to believe in their values. Those who disagree engage in reverse discrimination.

  • Matt Skora

    He definitely has the freedom to say what he wants. But he better be ready to face the consequences of his words, and if his employer doesn't think he is the type of person they want to be associated with the company, they can fire his ass.

  • Luke Jolly

    He has the freedom to say whatever he wants… his company also has the freedom to fire him if he makes them out to be a bunch of morons.

  • David Smith

    The real irony is that this guy raises kids with his wife, some of whom are adopted special needs. She was a stay at home mom, until nobody would touch his toxic @$$ with a ten foot pole. Now she earns and he stays at home with the kids.
    He seems to understand the value of the traditional family, which is all the founder of Chic-fil-a was standing up for. There's a difference between hating gays, and just having the proper respect for the ideal family. (Which yes, is still a thing.)

  • DARKPurpleNailPolish

    I work at Chickfila and I actually had this happen to me. I wasn't at a drive thru, but the guy first came up to our booth, didn't even want anything, just started talking trash. After I politely told him to leave, he left, then followed me to another Chick-fil-a booth that we set up.

    People honestly shouldn't go to the employees expressing their hatred. I, personally, support gays and equal marriage. Just because the company I work for doesn't support it doesn't mean that I'm going to turn down the job!

    I could preach my beliefs all day but that won't pay my bills

  • Colton Larsen

    Oh I'm sorry, I thought we lived in America, where Chik Fil A is entitled to their beliefs, this man is entitled to be a huge douche to a total stranger for no reason, and his company has the right to fire him based on their discretion.

  • preparedchipmunk

    The guy mentioned Chik giving money to hate groups, while he was being hateful to her, saying she should be ashamed of herself.

  • Daniel Piurkowsky

    Freedom of speech doesn't protect you from your job. Where does it say in the Bill of Rights that it's Freedom of speech to act like a moron and not have consequences from saying said speech? By that logic, oh, the CFO goes and video tapes himself saying Heil Hitler, and let's kill al the Jews, he should keep his job because it's freedom of speech. See how it doesn't work that way?

  • Maddie Nichole

    Honestly, if you are going to go out of your way to harrass a chick fil a employee who has no control over the policies that are made, you are no better than the people you claim to hate.

  • Billy Shepard

    Adam Smith lost his job tried to get another and was hired but fired after they found the chic filet video. He is currently on food stamps after loosing everything and his wife works

  • Kelly Stout

    I mean, I don't care for the Chick-Fil-A stance on gay marriage, but she was just doing her job. Don't annoy her, she's trying to make a buck to pay for her family.