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  • Vivien Wu

    Shame to have such a self absorbed and uninformed interviewer… "women should be able to build things too lol" seriously??

  • Jinsong Guo

    Interested in Google's Associate Product Manager Program?

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  • Anon Mason

    What's this idea about women and computers being rare? My sister can run circles around my programming skills. And a hell of a lot better in graphic design. Both of which I've done professionally myself.

    Why doesn't she have a job in it? Because of the old male dominated culture saying she can't or that it's amazing when women are able to. Pretty much what Marissa said with her experience not having anyone tell her it's odd. Almost nobody in the next generation thinks like this anymore. With the exception of bigots and traditionalist republicans.
    Adapt or gtfo our internet.

  • Sebastian Mass

    OMG that interviewer is so freaking annoying! This is more about womans equality than Marrisa. Not that its not important, because it is, just this lady is ridiculous. She basically asked the same thing 500 billion different ways!

  • David Divoky

    "I end up making good decisions when I've got a lot of options .. I started thinking about the best decisions I ever made .. I realized they had two things in common .. I always worked with the smartest people I could find .. and I always did something I was a little not ready to do."
    – Marissa Meyers

  • Kermode Bear

    I like how the interviewer continued this "Oh you're a woman, such an exotic creature in the Tech world, we're so proud of you" rant and each time, Marissa labels herself as a techie first and how she hates stereotypes.

    Bitch please, the reason why she's up there and you're there to learn her success story is because she does not throw out the woman card whenever things don't go right.

  • nokeeo

    The interviewer is horrible… She is focussing way to much on gender and diversity. I understand that this is really important, but I wanted to hear more aboutMarissa not through that lens.

  • Michael D

    The Interviewer couldn't carry an intelligent conversation, interrupted constantly, & should have done her homework. So she kept asking about Women and technology, much Redundancy

  • Amrita D'Souza

    this is the first time I watched her interview, out of curiosity cause I heard alot of not nice stuff about her, but watching her, she seems very friendly, genuine and yes super intelligent

  • BhavaniShankar Degolia

    While Marissa was wonderful I felt all the questions coming from Laura Sydell were 'woman' centric and its a pattern with all the womansLaura is interviewing. Please change the strategy. We are not talking about a gender-biased world. Thanks.

  • Prof Bean

    I really appreciated hearing Ms. Marissa Mayer respond to the repeated questions, "What is it like being a woman in this field?" I was glad to hear Ms. Mayer say that she does not think in that way. She does not get sexist and have a female against male mentality. And that is why she has excelled. People need to stop being distracted and confused by gender and race. I know a lot of incompetent people and they are all equally representative of both genders and all the various races. A person's character and ethics is what matters. Not whether they wear a dress or pants. We really need to evolve past this sexism in the workplace. I often wonder what the world would be like if we were all born blind. Aside from the fact we would all have to walk slowly to work, we would stop judging each other based on physical factors. Mental ability and ethical discipline are not determined by physical factors.