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  • kagreel

    My view on Toy Story 4:
    I felt like Toy story 3 ended in the perfect place
    Before the movie had been announced, I had wanted another movie… Just so that it wouldn't be the end
    Now that they are making it and with this plot, I feel like TS4 could ruin the legacy that TS3 left.

  • MrNotgoth

    Huh. I've always dismissed a fourth Toy Story movie, but Woody finally getting some romantic closure seems like a great premise; I was a bit sour Woody became a third wheel in the last movie. I feel a bit more optimistic about this now.

  • Tim Tran

    Grace, you got the info wrong lol. Miguel is the boys name in Coco. Coco itself means a bogeyman-like spirit Mexican culture. Which is probably a villain.

  • Solomon Dow

    The Incredibles poster certainly had my attention the most along with Finding Dory.

    I'm still hoping that Barbie and Ken at least cameo in TS4, as Michael Keaton and Jodi Benson's Ken and Barber are hilarious! It would be cool to see all the couples in the film, as it will be a romantic comedy.

  • minecraftaddictXD

    Not sure why they'd be willing to make a fourth movie (other than the fact that it is guaranteed to be profitable because it's a continuation on a legacy itself). It's not that it's existence is too alarming, what gets me is the fact that they want to make it a Romantic Comedy starring* Bo Peep* nonetheless when the third movie ended with some indication that Dolly could end up filling the role for Woody's interest (at least, that was how I saw it).

  • Matt “Spider-Matt” Thornton

    Ha ha! Despite there also being a Cars 3 poster there, the audience is basically saying, "After Cars 2, NO THANKS PIXAR!"

  • Sjono

    Seriously Toy Story 3 ended the franchise on such a heartfelt and gut wrenching ending. Toy Story 4 just seems like beating the horse at this point, and news that its a romantic comedy just makes things worse

  • Kinako Ishiyama

    I do approve of why Bo Peep wasn't in Toy Story 3, cause that would have been total Nightmare Fuel for the entire audience!