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  • KT Simpson

    I'd have rather seen Pallone get ejected for screwing up the call then Pete. Glad he left. Best part of this whole clip is a message from Marge "Cool it" ha ha ha

  • 1060michaelg

    I guess you guys all forgot that Pallone had a personal vendetta against Dave Concepcion which added fuel to the fire. Let us also not forget, DAVE, that you were a SCAB umpire, sleazing in when the real boys went on strike. Speaking of BOYS, what about the whispers of you being a little boy fondler…I guess everyone forgets these little things. Also, you were so incompetent that you couldn't make a simple CALL at first…you truly are a worthless scab child molester.

  • Incognito

    Unruly fans? Broadcaster at the very end mad me mad. WE the fans are why you are there mister and don't ever forget it. I spit in his general direction.

  • onehstrybuff

    Hey Pallonedotwhatever, here's a better description: Pete was upset with me because I failed to do my job as an umpire, which is to make a quick and decisive call, and eventually got thrown out because I lost my temper and poked him in the face as a result :( He was fined $10,000 and suspended for 30 days for his actions, I received no punishment because I'm consider myself above the players and managers……

  • atlantic 11561

    There are still so many unanswered questions about the character of Dave Pallone. I read his book, and aside from being a union busting umpire, what bothered me most was the incident in upstate New York where he was present at what was literally an orgy party featuring underage boys. He claims he was taken by surprise when he saw one of the boys walk into the den of the house while only scantily clad, and was upset with his hosts for having people of that age present. However, he fails to explain the gap of several hours between when he first saw one of the boys in the house, and the time he actually left the house. Moreover, he writes about he cheated (he claims only once) on the guy with whom he was involved at the time (and who would later die in a car accident), hardly the mark of a credible or upstanding person. He is now partnered with a guy young enough to be his son, which goes further to explain his propensity toward unacceptably young attractions. Sorry, but I am really having a hard time with his crusading.

  • onehstrybuff

    And now for the rest of the story: Yes you were a hateful umpire and carried grudges against certain players, namely Davy Concepcion (you were quoted in a San Francisco newspaper as saying that you intentionally did things on the field to disrupt his play, including standing in his line of vision on the field) and Jeff Reardon (your quote "I'll bury you"). In September of 1988 you quit umpiring because you were a scab, the union hated you, you took everything personally on the field and the league pressured you to resign. THANKS FOR RESIGNING !!!

  • atlantic 11561

    He also writes about he forged a close relationship with PaulGiamatti, the baseball commissioner at the time, and who previously had been president of Yale. Pallone, a dropout from technical college, then has the audacity to write how he planned to ask Giamatti to help him gain admission into Yale. If that is not cheap opportunism, I do not know what is.

  • jason norsworthy

    Dave pallone is gay and in his book he said he had affair with players. he was allegy invoved with a teenage sex ring, but was never charged. Also during the umpire strike pallone crossed. so not what i call a stand up guy

  • Fred Hall

    The ump made contact first. The ump union was out of control until they all decided to quit and then had to beg to get their jobs back.