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  • Rose Adava

    Its funny how people only like to talk shit insulting a dead man wow your such a badass NOT he isnt here to defend himself against your fucking comments you weak vultures go do something good like actually help these people instead of writing how much you hate them maybe I don't see how writing those things is changing anything, and it will not bring those victims back to life. So good day to you dumbasses who like to judge people they never even knew or even tried to understand.:))))))

  • amin rahiman

    BITCH BE CRAZY! who the hell has got time to defend a ted bundy for 9 months?

    i mean for many reasons but mostly for the fact that he really in the end would only trust himself +Rose Adava

  • Muirmaiden

    I don't feel sorry for Ted Bundy in the slightest. He chose to commit murder, at least 35 times (that we know of), he was also a rapist. He cared nothing for his victims. His death was too easy by comparison. He had also escaped from prison twice before. It's horrifically unfair that his victims weren't allowed to live, that they are not remembered as they should be and that their families have suffered terribly. I do feel sorry for Bundy's family but I have no pity for Bundy himself. He lived on for 9 years after he was sentenced to death. Way too long.

  • Regz Zuse

    Bundy used to be drunk during most of the killings, he was not elusive as medias are trying to portray him, neither was Dahmer.

  • Joey Bartholomew

    Okay so at 2:30 the grieving mother says "there were thousands and thousands of girls there. Why did you choose her?" Okay, I don't give a fuck about her or her dead kid she is an asshole! So really what she is saying is" if it had been someone else's kid I would not give a shit, but since it was my own oh what a tragedy" fucking cunt!

  • sleepypoodle

    One of the things which really pisses me off with most of these documentaries is the description of his victims as being 'beautiful' – as though it is a greater tragedy than if they were plain or unattractive.

  • rob ribant

    other countries have crazed serial killer as well. in other countries a serial killer does not become famous because once convicted they are cut-off from society, period. No family visits, no interviews, no opportunities to get married from their sicko fans, no ongoing pictures and no books or movies telling their stories. I wish we would do that here. not because I feel it will decrease future SK, I just don't want them to have those perks. I want a wall that is put between them and society. no mail, no phone calls, no emails, no family visits. just themselves and a room and that is it. that is a much better sentencethen the chair. if I killed I would rather get executed then live my life out in prison.

  • nunna urbiz

    The person named rose below…says we.are "judging" himwithout knowing him. I wonder if shed be so politacally correct if she had lived up here in seattle during ted and gary ridgways bs. I was a teen during garys run in the 80's, and my best friend was during teds. My ex's first wife was supposed to go to the beach with denise naslund that day, but didn't feel well. She could've been killed. So for those of us around the.country affected by these mens crimes directly or not…..I say, ted is exactly where he should be, unless torture were legal. He was a sicko, monster, ruiner of lives. I hope he.has made wonderful furtilizer. So I judge….. and you dear need to think about the victims not the perp…..the end.

  • hellsbellez

    He killed my friend's girlfriend here in Nederland, Colorado in '75…cowards assholes like this prey on vulnerable women because a man would've knocked him the F out!! I am happy he's dead.

  • Jill Enos

    So Bundy was handsome, charming, and intelligent…oh yeah and can't forget this one… a necropheliac/murderer! Goes to show that looks can be deceiving.

  • Billy ONeill

    Ted Bundy was accuse of killing all these women since August 13, 1961, or February 1, 1974–February 9, 1978 in States like in Washington, Utah, Florida, Colorado, Oregon, Idaho, and California?

    But he was tried and convicted, and executed for the murders he committed in the State of Florida but never went before a Judge in any of the States I just mentioned above.

    I guess it didn't made no sense to get any justice served in any of the States he committed murder crimes if Florida save all their tax dollars by having him executed in their State.