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  • Assassin

    Yep… it was bloody amazing, more than i expected, don't care for whiny fanboys of BF2, this will be the definitive game!

  • PhantomAForce

    So I've noticed that most EA fans in the comment section can't type with any sort of grammar whatsoever. Red flags. Red flags everywhere.

  • Connor Robinson

    My alarm bells for this one went off. A whole game play video and Ryans like "I like the stuff on the rocks" I'll have to play it and see for myself.

  • Thomas Parsley

    Jesus Christ are you peopled really fooled by this scripted bullshit? The map was tiny when you looked off into the distance you just saw empty snow which just seemed so shit since this is meant to be a massive battlefield. Also there won't be this much action if the game modes are 12 on 12 its been scripted to seem like a better game. Trust me don't pre order this. It will only end in disappointment.

  • Ball Braker

    Pre-alpha PS4 footage is not a good bar to set for graphic expectations…the game will look much better than this at launch…even whit the pre-alpha footage looking great

  • Mordecai The Awesome Bluejay

    DICE has a history of making garbage after garbage. Battlefront is the same as Brokenfield 4

  • M3G4G0TH

    too much hype train guys… battlefront will be a solid shooter but still – EA is hunting that CoD money so… yeah…

  • Momodokon

    I thoroughly enjoyed it to say the least haha Dice is perfect for this. The scale, the vehicles, the options, sound effects, everything was on point.

  • ValensBellator

    It looks fun but I can't help but feel disappointed… It seems like it'll have maybe 1/4 the content and features of battlefront II.

  • Eresea Britania

    No space battles, max 40 people ? What the fuck ! This game is slowly turning from "amazing" into "squeeze dat money outta the Battlefront titles !" I mean when you look at Battlefront 2, it already had really good features, in this one, they litterally cut off half of the fun and enhance the graphics, from what we've seen in the trailer the heroes look like the ones from Battlefront 2, the animations are very wonky and, might be just me but it doesn't feel quick, has no real structure. Like you enter a game, run and try to shoot some guys before getting a 'space'fighter or hero, then basically kill more and done, next game.
    We need more gameplay to confirm, but it seems like it's gonna be shit,Scripted 'gameplay' on Hoth as a trailer seriously ?
    If they can't handle space battles, then at least make a 80 people ground battle, not like it's not possible on this type of game, with UE4 hosting 64 people doesn't require much so why 40 ?

  • Hare Brahs

    Im a star trek and wolverine fan (x-men), so im not really super exited about this game. Plus this game wont come out one any consoles, but i think im gonna buy this to PC. So if anybody else are gonna buy this to PC, give me a shout! peez

  • Dr .Aleks

    Faaak why they gotta does this :( so many good games this year, they are going to rape my wallet, and I'm kind of ok with that :)