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  • hypnosquirrel

    Don lemon is a snide bitch ass. You have to deal with him as if he is a manipulative woman. Glad Tavis decoded lemons bullshit. "To anyone listening?" Nice sleight of tongue. . . . You are not anyone bitch. If Obama can stand up for gays, women, and immigrants in spite of the opposition . . . Clearly he can speak to police killing unarmed black men despite white opposition. Kudos tavis!

  • Retired LE

    The CDC reports in 2012 police shot and killed 132 blackpeople and 320 white people. According to these stats there is no evidence that would back up p[people saying police are hunting black people. The CDC states the killings of blacks by police are down 70 percent over the last 50 years.


    Tavis Smiley is such a petty, immature BITCH stillcrying because President Obama didn't attend his little meeting back in 2008. He and his butt buddy Cornel West relentlessly drag the president every chance they get on social media. I mean…the shit has gotten so ridiculous, I had to UNFRIEND Cornel Weston Face book, because every other posting was him bashingObama. And on a side note…Tavis Smiley knows who to try this little STUNT of his with. Believe me, he tried it with Rev. AL Sharpton and got that azz TORE THE FUCK UP!!! – I personally don't like Don Lemon's smug, arrogant ass, so it was kind of fun to watch on some level.

  • Dasha Jean

    I use to like Don Lemon.. But the more he opens his mouth the more I realize he is a house negro.. Somehow, justbecause he is getting a white penis up his arse … that makes him white….

  • mrkingssizesnicker

    Don Lemons you are a a lemon. A sour puss lemon. Travis just checked you and you made the worst mistake as a report/ journalist could make. You put your emotions into interviewee opinion or answer. You need to instill that same kind of of emotions towards this racist country towards the injustices and killings of black men…you so called black man.

  • morpheusxnyc

    LMAO… Tavis Smiley is the greatest Obama hater of all time. He's been hating on him since he first announced his campaign run.

  • kenny baird

    Why is it all about blacks killed by cops when it's over double that number per year for whites? why can't we as American citizens stand together instead of the divide and conquer the MSM gets paid to incite?

  • onesufi

    Lemon is eye candy, this os what got fox news ratings, its a formula that works with well not too deep Americans, Najority of whom couldn't name thier Vice President….. he should be doing entertainment news only if that.

  • Eric Williams

    Don Lemon is soft, he will NEVER represent the state of the black agenda in any other way other than from a reporters view. This guy is confused in more ways than one, Clearly.