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  • Hdtex

    Donald Trump is the only one who doesn't know that Donald Trump will never ever be president.

    Fuckface Von Clownstick

  • SerjEpic Gaming

    Well he just lost most of the votes latinos, Irish, Chinese, any descedents of immigrate

    Just make me president i might be 16, but i am Mexican American (born here) house fire surviver (2 years old when it happened ), studying economy, not racist, or feminist, love kids

  • reversedouche

    This is a joke right?Is this true? This is not like the Dennis quaid Comedy Central video?
    *he will cause ww3, lots of people will die
    *he want to make nukes, USA gonna be like North Korea?
    *he doesn't know & care about global warming
    *he is racist, only cares about white people including Russians
    *he has a ridiculous hairstyle

  • Joseph Ward

    It's a great day……About time we have a great man that knows what the problem with this country is and is willing to do whatever it takes to get this country back on track..

  • rebjiii

    Donald Trump will get 1% of the Republican primary vote in Iowa, New Hampshire and South carolina next year….Trump has 2 chances to elected President – those chances are SLIM and NONE…listening to Trump prattle about foreign policy and Constitutional law is like listening to him for marital advice …Trump is an ignorant bigot who still believes Obama was born in Kenya

  • KirkSH52

    This is such good news. Mr. Trump's presence alone will inspire citizens in this country to be successful. What a great speech bold and concise with hope of changes that will make the United States great again. We have tried the Liberal approach and it doesn't work. Mr. Trump will fix the damage Obama did as president and we will be great again!

  • Monday Promises

    I've NEVER supported ANY presidential candidate in my entire life and I'm 27 years old. I've NEVER wanted to vote because honestly any party running is like choosing between the lesser of two evils. The racist rhetoric in these comments is despicable and I guarantee will be used by Trump OPPONENTS because this is a "Rich White Male" who believes in the Sovereignty and the GREATNESS that this country NEEDS and IS CAPABLE OF. None of the candidates running will RESTORE AMERICA to what she once was! Thank you Donald Trump for giving me HOPE in this country for the VERY first time in my life! I support you! Trump '16!