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  • Timstuff

    Donald Trump does not owe McCain an apology. It's McCain who owes an apology to the thousands of people he insulted who showed up at Trump's rally, not to mention all of the millions of Americans who McCain has let down with his poor leadership.

  • Lorri Anderson

    GOP wants Trump to pull out of the presidential race. This means he is DOING SOMETHING RIGHT!!! KEEP PUSHING MR. TRUMP!! John McCain is a traitor to American military and everyone knows it. The GOP can't handle the TRUTH thus they are furious and scared. GOP knows their time is UP!!!!!!!

  • Phillip Borden

    Anyone who thinks vets will turn on Trump for saying this doesn't understand vets. The truth about vets is exactly the opposite. McCain has got to go, and being captured is not enough a resume builder to overlook his blunderous strategies and neglect of returning vets. Trump is showing he gets it, and those who aren't on board, saying there will be a veteran backlash, are only proving their own ignorance.

  • Jimmy Alexander Sheret

    Juan Insane McCain is a song bird and a fake patriot..Look at how the NEO-CON press and media are soooo desperate to push Trump out of the race..

  • Les Grossman

    ‪#‎trump‬ ‪#‎donaldtrump‬ ‪#‎makeamericagreatagain‬ ‪#‎trump2016‬ ‪#‎donald‬ ‪#‎mccain‬ ‪#‎war‬ #mccain ‪#‎news‬ ‪#‎politics‬

  • sstteevveenn77

    Trump followers are hilarious. He can literally get away with saying anything & offending everyone and they'll still bow down to him because he "says he'll change things".

  • DB Donovan

    A wise choice is always to get behind a winner & Trump is a winner. Trump may be outspoken but this will continue to bolster & raise the support of people behind him & keep him ahead in the polls. I think Republicans are reacting rather than responding to Trumps remarks because they are jealous of his lead in the polls.

    What is TRUMP REALLY saying? He is DEMANDING better treatment of VETS by the LEFTIST double standard “racist” government. He doesn’t think anyone should be seen as “untouchable, infallible or holier than thou” for their service record, when now they are complacent or supportive of LEFTIST liberal policies & non-support of VETS, as John McCain has.

    Right wing candidates have been too supportive of Obama’s liberal policies since 2014. Among them, McCain, Boehner & others have been seen by many on the RIGHT as "Democrats in Republican clothes".

    If there is a divide in the Republican party, it is because some politicians on the RIGHT have sold out to the LEFT. If anyone should be crucified for this, it is the turncoat liberal, moderate & progressive Republicans who have supported LEFTIST views & policies…to support their own corrupt NWO Corporate interests & not WE THE PEOPLE. I think Trumps outspokenness is actually a GOOD thing that will continue to shake up & unify the Republicans & bring them back on the Right wing track.

  • Phillip Borden

    McCain: I remember when you were a presidential hopeful, and the question was given to you to the effect of: "how will you achieve victory in Iraq when experienced Junior officers are leaving under REFRAD?" Your response was simply "they want to win." While I respect your sacrifice as a Vet, as I do so many others: double leg amputees, killed by sniper fire or burned alive in HMMWVs; your answer here shows a disillusion to your strategic theories and boots on the ground. So much so: the blundeous strategies that were characteristic of all 10 years of war were largely abandoned by the young that had to make them all work. While I consider you a brother, Trump not being able to target you because of your untouchability as a "hero" isn't going to fly with Vets. Nothing personal until you make it so. You sacrificed, we recognize that, and respect it, but that doesn't give you immunity against scrutiny of your leadership at such stakes.