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  • No sugar coating lies

    Nick Gordon is nothing but a gold digger all he cares about is money he don't care about Bobbi Kristina all he wants is the attention on him he jealous of krissi nick is a manipulator he don't even want his own mother to be his mother he's fake and phony he did not even call Whitney mom on that interview and but on the day on the interview he called her Whitney I always knew Nick Gordon was creepy I always had this feeling about him that was not right people nowadays have to be very careful who you let in your home specially being a celebrity they let the wrong person in their house now Whitney Houston $250,000 wedding ring is missing the same ring that Bobby Brown gave her 23 years ago Nick Gordon's mother said she had the ring in a secret place at home now the ring is missing smfh

  • Derek Jones

    Fake. All for ratings. Dr. Phil is not a real doctor. He and Oprah make $$$$ off this stupid crap. They could care less about Whitney or Bobbi Kristina or Nick Gordon. I hope they enjoy the $$$$ they make off others. I will never support or watch any of their shows. They are as horrible as the Kardashians. The OWN Network stands for "Oh Wow Not good television". Oprah should have hired Shonda!

  • Alex Levy

    This dude is a KILLER !!! He killed whitney the same way he attempted to kill Bobbi Kristina.. Sociopathic Killer…Phony drama….Phony tears…Either he was paid to do this..or some type of maniac. I strongly believe that Whitney Houston found out his true motive and confronted him on his objectives..So he killed her. And did the same to Bobbi Kristina…… Connect the dots. Killers are often in PLAIN SIGHT !!! Hope this phuker gets his day ! MURDERER !!!

  • Patricia Robinson

    The boy is hiding something ; his conscious is getting the best out of him .if. he is her protector then how does he let her continue to take drugs….?

  • Cindy Casstana

    Nick will stay for as long as Dr Phil pays, 3 meals and a bed with a view, plus meds and no police, Bonus!… That interview was so fake,No real tears and a lot of acting.I don't care how high or drunk you are his tears were dry as a bone!! He said on his twitter pg. he has the "best publicist in the world" why would he need a PR person he isn't a celebrity? He's never even had a job or lived on his own. He is under investigation as to what happened that day of BK drowning, and still he doesn't tell the police anything or Bobby Brown. If you're innocent and have nothing to hide, spill the beans of all you know, so all involved can be at peace and focus on just BK.. Plus his real Mom has BK/Whitney/BobbyBrown engagement ring.. How did she get that when she was in Florida & only came up for the DR Phil interview?? This seems like a set up. I could be wrong in all this I hope I am, but that's my opinion & how I see it. I really hope Bobbi Kristina does wake up & recovers & has a good blessed life with good people by her side!! Peace!

  • Betty Medina

    Damn why does he have BKB diamond ring that belong to whitney at what moment did he give it to hes mom she lives in florida and came down for the show how pathic she needs to return that ring to cissy houston

  • Andrea King

    wow these comments r sooo immature…this guy is wrapped up in hollyweird that is all..i think they should let him see her maybe that's what she need?…nothing else has helped

  • Lizzy Allan

    why does everyone in America need dr phil to help them get their act together? Grow up people and take responsibility for the image you are portraying to the younger generations coming up! everyone turns to poor dr phil to clean up their mess, stupidity, and childlike behaviour!

  • skipstah70

    Dr. Phil…you're a douchebag for even tryingto capitalize on this celeb mess by allowing your show to air this circus. You're lost all credibility.You want to know who needs some down to earth non commercial whoretherapy?… it's u bud.