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  • Caasi Janet

    Don't fall for this. That's what these Elites want. They WANT YOU TO REACT, it plays into their agenda. They are trying to provoke you. Feel sorry for the police because they are being used to carry out agendas. Military is being used and brainwashed. Turn to GOD. Don't play into their hands….

  • leo obando

    Racist ass idiots talking about this is time to round blacks up.. No. This is time blacks and minorities start rising up and awakening to rebel against the corrupt politicians, leaders, and police who have killed us for years. And now your all getting mad and scared because we're doing something you all never had the balls to do… We're standing up and saying enough is enough.

  • theDecisiveLion

    You idiots who think this was staged because the camera was already facing in that direction: it's very easy to tell when people are acting suspicious and are about to do something stupid. This was obviously some thug's fault. All those people who fled the scene should be questioned as to who the shooter was and what was being discussed in that area before the shooting.

  • pamela collins

    iam so sick of this hogwash enough is enough with this being set up and planned get a grip people this is just another scam prob paid to take part in that 1 min take

  • William Little

    Time to round these riotous mother fuckers up and send them to the re education camps that I'm beginning to believe was set up for these animals.

  • Zyzyzx Zyzer

    These losers are being paid to riot…how about you arrest those people rioting and paying them to riot. That would be going directly to the problem their and wouldn't solve anything though.